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Now that I think about it, what if everything yuu is experiencing is just a dream? Like every yuu in the manga, are just different students wanting confidence, and the head dorms leader are their like insecurities? The Yuu's are dreaming of Disney Characters in a school since they are in school, the little images of Disney scenes are just their childhood wishing for those old times when they were younger, where everything was just them watching those movies. And the last yuu, (in book 7?) And Malleus, are just the fear of waking up from a place they feel is real and going back to a place they might not trust.
But that's just a thought 🥰
And sorry I haven't been updating, I kinda didn't have the energy to update. But I'll do my best, I guess?

I'll likely put more of my theories and thoughts here throughout the journey of this story

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