⭐ the best of friends ♦️

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why don't you have any friends?"


"Are you calling me a loser?"

It was a sunny afternoon, Liam and Daniel decided it would be fitting to spend some quality time together in the family's forest, enjoying eachother's presence under the oak tree

Big green eyes were staring up at his boyfriend's book covered face while laying his head on his lap

It was an innocent question, blurted out without thinking about it's context, yet upon noticing him setting down the book in hand, combined with his statement he started slowly realizing the weight of his curiosity

"N-No! God I'm sorry, it sounded less intruding in my head." Daniel panicked, he started averting his gaze  cheeks dusted pink out of pure embarrassment

"I'm messing with you Dan, chill." Liam chuckled.

He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, meeting the crimson eyes he adored so much, he noted that the boy didn't show any signs of discomfort meaning he was truthful to his words

"And to answer your question, I'm simply not interested in making any." Liam shrugged, which caught the other's attention.

"Why not?" He was curious, Liam made him curious, it was impossible to know what's on his mind unless he allowed you to, yet Daniel learned how to crack the code in certain areas

Like when he's excited or overjoyed, he would be munching on something sweet especially cola flavored lolipops, or when he's stressed or anxious, he would be reading his favorite book which Daniel is certain he knows it by heart now

But despite all of it he still had a lot to learn about him, his walls were high, and he was determine to climb them up no matter how long it would take, patience and understanding are the keys to his success

luckily for him, he had both.

Liam took a deep breath, sparing his tossed book a final glance, he ran his hand through his boyfriend's white soft locks, carefully picking out his next words

"Lemme ask you a different question. If a marvelous ruler possessed various types of  riches within his reach, would he chase after the one coin on the side of the street?" Liam asked.

He had a glint of playfulness in his eyes, a rare sight for the boy. Daniel loved it.

"Is this your way of calling other people peasants?"


"That's not very nice tho."

"I wasn't trying to be."

Daniel sighed, some things never changes.

Liam had a very unique sense of humor noting how unpleasant to some his phrasing might sound.

it took him a while to realize it, that the boy had little to no filter, saying whatever comes to mind with no regards of how the other end might receive his statement

The hand on his head stopped it's movements, earning a questioning gaze from Daniel

"I did try. But after a while you get sick of it and quit i suppose." Liam stated.

His face was neutral, his eyes held no sadness nor grief in em. Daniel couldn't tell if it was a good or a bad thing


"After sometime i have come to realize the irrelevance of it to me. friends offer you solitude, acceptance, company and growth, yet i haven't found myself lacking any of them to act upon it. I'm pleased with where i am at the moment, and i do not wish for more." He explained.

Liam cupped his boyfriend's cheeks pulling on the tender flesh t'ill it turned a bit red, earning him a few complaints, he chuckled at the reaction making a mental note of how squishy they are and to do it more often

"Everyone is different in their approach in life, just because most find joy in these relations dosen't mean others do, and that doesn't make them outcasts or flawed."

"But-" he was cut off with a pair of lips on his own, surprised he froze on the spot, yet soon enough he melted into it returning the act of affection with so much love he could hear his heart beating in his ears.

The need for air made them pull away, staring into eachother's eyes with no less than pure adoration "You worry too much my love. If you keep it up you'll get wrinkles before 25."

Liam stoop up picking up his book, Daniel's curious gaze following his frame as it walked away, it took him a solid few seconds to process the action before he bolted after him trying to catch up

'After all, why would I seek a friend when you're the best out there.'

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