🌙 My vow to you 🎵( fantasy AU)

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"what a pleasant surprise, my king."

"Shut it."

The young huntress chuckled, opening her cottage's door wider for him to enter. The place despite being small, was cozy.
A familiar smell of cinnamon and firewood hit his nose as soon as he stepped in, he found it strangely pleasant.

There were a number of shelfs filled with various books, probably medical ones judging by the jars of herbs that decorated the table.

The huntress made her way to one of the chairs facing the chimney getting comfortable, she gestured to the other across from her for him to sit, to which he obliged, it was late after all and he'd be lying if he said the fatigue didn't cling to him

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit,  Your highness?"

"Drop the formality shit, i get enough of it."

"Fine, fine." She laughed. "What brings you here this late, William." She corrected.

It was pretty dark outside, the slivery moon lighting the night sky, the king was no stranger to sneaking out of his mighty castle at these late hours, riding his horse for a good distance outside the kingdom into the forest looking for the cottage that made his heart skip a beat whenever his eyes landed on it

to avoid any conflict or suspecion, the two have landed on a specific schedule to meet up, including a bunch of rules and precautions to avoid getting caught

it gave him something to look forward to

But today wasn't one of these meeting days, which made the huntress pleasantly surprised, and slightly concerned.

William didn't answer, either taking his sweet time, or just brushed it off, either way she decided to bath in the comfortable silence, settling on giving him enough time to collect his thoughts, he would eventually spill it

He tapping his finger on the chair's arm, something he did when something irritated him

She put her hand on top of his, squeezing it gently while offering a smile. He stared at their interwined fingers, feeling the warmth radiating from the young woman. It was comforting, so delicate, so soft.

"Those pasty villagers are foolish." He spat.

The huntress narrowed her eyes in confusion

"what do you mean?" She questioned.

He sighed, stroking her hand as an attempt to ease the tension. He wasn't sure how to bring it up without disturbing the cozy mood that settled, yet he had to, this matter was important to the both of them

"Lately, there's been rumors going around about a wicked witch that lives in the depth of the north forest. They say that she disguises herself as an angelic woman to lure the misfortunate souls into their unknown fate."

William's tone was growing angrier by the minute, showing his frustration about his subjects's lack of common sense

He didn't need to elaborate any further for the girl to understand where this was going

"Atleast they called me angelic, which is a compliment I'm willing to take." She chuckled

She knew this would happen eventually, she had heard enough stories about women being accused of witchcraft just because some found it shady and suspicious for a woman to live far from civilization, in an isolated area by herself.

they didn't understand that some simply preferred it that way, it was their own fears that molded such fantasies, yet their isn't much left to do when darkness consumes a one's being

She felt a hand on her head, fingers running gently through her soft caramel locks. It was such a simple action, yet enough to pull her from the anxiousness that started to creep in

She looked up at two crimson eyes, staring down at her pink ones with a hint of softness and care

"They won't get through the gates, and I've put some selected guards specifically to guard the forest. So rest assured."

He held a fierce look on his face, one that spoke authority, it might've intimidated many, yet it done nothing but make relief wash over the girl

She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes softly, she took a deep breath

This wasn't fair, life wasn't fair.

They have found one another after such a long time, yet the circumstances weren't in their favour. She was a simple girl, who liked the feeling of dirt beneath her feet when she run, and he was a king, who ruled with fairness and an iron fist, admired by many, and feared by even more

Anyone could tell that they weren't meant to cross paths in the first place, yet fate was cruel

"I love you, so, so much it hurts." She stated in almost a whisper. Letting sleep finally consume her.

The young king rested his head on her own, enjoying the domestic feeling
These moments were rare, and he cherished every single one he spent with her

"I'll love you in this life, the next, and the ones to come. That's my vow to you, Rosalie."


Fire painted the forest, what was once the home of many harmless creatures turned to ashes, a memory in the sea of time

William stood before the woman be knew for more than a 2 years now, fire surrounding them from every corner, it's been a few minutes since they embraced their fate, knowing there was no way out of it this time

Smoke was starting to squeeze the air out of their lungs, coughs echoed through the burning cottage, but it went unheard

This was it

And they knew it.

They embraced eachother one last time, savouring the smell, the feeling, the touch of one another. Yet instead of fear, they felt at peace, for at last they can be together, and that was enough

They pulled away enough to lock their eyes, offering eachother one last smile before leaning in and capturing the other's lips, salty tears can be tasted as so much love and grief was poured into that one kiss.

"I'll see you in a better life, my love."

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