Risk factors

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Nicki couldn't concentrate at work.

They were now at the location. In a van spying on their target.

"You don't look focused" Candy murmured eyeing at her.

"Oh, really and why wouldn't I be because you told me that my freaking wife is cheating on me? Are you spying on my wife?"! Nicki was upset about the whole situation.

Candy looked down.

"Why? Why would you spy on my wife?"

"I was just looking out for you!"

"By spying on my wife?" Nicki yelled and slammed her hearing Device on a file.
"I'm going home. I'm off the case!"

"You make it seem like you have a choice!"

"Maybe you don't. but my wife and I have enough money. I can stay home. if I don't like staying home, I can always fix my Documents and declare myself alive again and go back to Medicine. stay the hell away from my family" Nicki muttered angrily and walked out.

she went to see her therapist the following Morning.

she was already tearing up.
"I feel stuck in this life I don't wanna live. it's eating up my soul and destroying all my happiness. I'm not happy in this life. I'm miserable!" she lashed out

"then Leave. quit the bureau!"

"I can't quit," she lowered her voice .

"why not?" her doctor was calm

"My wife's freedom depends on it. If I leave,  the bureau is coming for her. Plus, being in the bureau makes me feel closer to my late sister-in-law. it is the reason I work there. she was a lawyer who fought to put bad guys in jail but unfortunately she married a bad guy who took her life and nearly mine too. when I'm in the bureau I feel her spirit. I feel her, I feel connected to her."

"I understand. but you are missing out on the real-life here. where the woman you call the love of your life still lives and breathes and you are been unfair to her. Because,  Dr Pete the main reason you are rude to your wife is that you blame her for your being stuck at the bureau"

Nicki's tears kept running down.

"I used to be happy. very very happy. I miss my life. I miss been a doctor, i miss my wife. I miss my daughters and my sister-in-law. I miss my colleagues. I miss it all. Yes I blame my wife and I end up just hurting her. if she wasn't involved with Sage at all in the past, we wouldn't be here right now, fighting and missing out of happiness. we wouldn't! but I'm stuck in a life just for her freedom Doc, i don't know what to do!"

"you can't have Pearl back or Anya... but everything else you can fight for. you just need to fight, is the bureau a place you really wanna be?"


"then you know what to do! trust me, you will feel more connected to your late sister-in-law when you are close to her sister, your wife!"

"Are you saying I should quit and watch the feds take my wife away from me and my daughter?"

"No. But I'm saying do not push her away! Stop blaming her, find a way to protect her without choosing a life without her. Think about it, you will figure something out."

Nicki nodded.

"go get resurrected Dr Pete! see you at the next meeting."

"thank you doc!"

A Few days Later.

Megan's puking didn't stop. infect it felt like it was getting worse by the day.
she settled down after throwing up.

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