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"mom can I talk to you? I need advice"
Aaliyah asked both her mothers in the living room. Megan continued Texting back and forth with Prudence, her new pal after putting back her book. while Nicki was pacing on the floor trying to put Zach to sleep.

"in private" Aaliyah explained further. "well that's my queue," Megan said taking off. "I was talking to you, mama"

"me? you don't usually find my pieces of advice relevant" Megan exclaimed.

"I do. mummy is just easy to talk to. but this is relationship advice"

"relationship? what makes you think I can help"

"Because if I can't marry my first love. I would love to have my first love, second then love life, like you, you only had three real relationships in your life and that is beautiful "
"awe baby thanks, but my love life story is not complete yet, I'm still waiting for the one"

"well maybe whosoever you texting could be your one and you can stop waiting," Nicki said sarcastically.

"yeah Maybe," Megan said with an attitude.
Nicki swallowed hard and excused herself. she didn't mean that but seemed as if Megan did mean it.

Aaliyah sat down opposite her mom. "planing to turn your unhappy broken mom who hates love into a love Doctor?" Megan asked putting her phone on her book.

"Unhappy maybe, broken definitely but you don't hate love. Look at the book you read. 'The hopeless romantic couple' mom you still love, love and you still believe in it, you are just hurt right now and it is understandable, frankly, if I were in your position I would break, I would be angry and I would be depressed but you still hold out in such terrible pain because you are Megan. And I love you for that mom, I really do" Aaliyah said. Megan felt her eyes watering, she was really touched, she needed so badly to hear this. "Thank you!" it came out as a whisper.

She cleared her throat.
"So, how can I help you little Ms Oprah?"

Aaliyah smiled. "I have a situation in my puppy love-ish relationship"

"Okay... I'm listening"

"Well, it is not a relationship, it will never be one because it's just a crush"


"I like this girl a lot. She is not gay and doesn't like me like that. But a while ago, before mom was hospitalised she kissed me, and I kissed her back. I liked the kiss, it was sweet. But every time I bring it up she lashes out and cusses gets mad at me and kicks me out of her house. I decided to never talk about it again for the good of the friendship because she's my only friend here, around here kids don't like me. But then, she kissed me again last night, I didn't kiss her back, I pulled away immediately and asked her what she was doing, but she ran upstairs and refused to open the door for me. She talked to her mom who asked me to leave. And again it was on me to apologize for everything. She didn't even bother to text me back. I like her a lot in fact I think I am in love with her. But is it worth it really? Is love that worth it for me to go through all that pain and suffering?"

Aaliyah broke her mother's heart.
Megan was speechless. she understood her daughter's pain more than anything.


Megan sniffled, snapping out of it.
"uh-umm, you can make other friends baby. no one is worth that pain. she can't be kissing you and treating you like that I don't care what her reasons are that sh-- that is just f- that's just messed up. I think is time you cut cords with her. I like Mika but no, not when she's treating you like this." Megan said. Nick showed up after laying the baby down, she sat down.

"text her ask to see her and break it all off," Megan said. "wait, that's harsh don't you think?" Nicki objected.
Megan rolled her eyes and picked up her book and walked away.
"we are just talking, as parents, stop acting like that" Nicki begged.

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