Remembering the beginning

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Nicki went to change and sat in the nursery. Fell asleep in her bed, she was exhausted, been a long night, a long day.

Megan fell asleep on the living room couch.

Aaliyah was worried. She didn't know what to do to help. Also, she heard her mom confess that she wasn't in love with her mama anymore. That hurt.

"Lemonade?" Pam approached her. She shook her head. "I'm fine, thanks"
"Wanna talk about what's bothering you?"

"No, thanks"

Pam nodded. "Can I say something though?"


"your parents, love each other baby girl, don't be confused and hurt. they still love each other"

"where you not in the house, didn't you hear mama tell mommy she loved her all things went downhill, they almost engaged in a physical fight, and secrets I knew and didn't know about were revealed. now you know our family business. she made it clear she was not in love with her anymore. what then are you talking about?"

"Your family business is now mine too Liyah, and I signed a contract that I wouldn't publicise anything to anyone, I know I'm a stranger, but you can still trust me. Your mothers trust me or else they would have held back before they lash out at each other like that. You can trust me."

Liyah nodded.
"And I think your mom lied about not being in love with her wife anymore, that was a lie, a lie that she felt was necessary to protect herself. She is obviously angry at her. But she is still very much in love with her, she may or may not be aware of it but she is in love with that woman. Even when her pride and ego just wanted her gone from the house, she couldn't let her go and she brought her back into the house. What she said to keep your mother from taking her trip was an excuse. She won't let her go. If you don't believe me, let's bet, I got my 20 bucks on her moving mountains or coming with more excuse to keep her wife here."

"I bet mine on, mommy will be gone by tomorrow night," Aaliyah said. They shook on it.
Pam and Aaliyah became friends. They cooked dinner.
Megan and Nicki woke up at the same time. Met in the kitchen

"We made dinner. Last meal together" Aaliyah exclaimed. "I asked Pam to help" she added.

"Thank you, guys," Nicki said. Her phone went off. She pulled it off. It was Eve. Megan frowned.

Nicki: I told you to stop calling me.
Eve: I'm sorry. I didn't know who to call. Nicki our baby didn't make it. She past and lucy,  they blaming me for her death Nick I'm going to jail for something stupid. Meanwhile I am mourning our baby.
Nicki: that would be a great start to my happy life. I would start fresh with you two bitches out of my life. You both deserve what's coming to you. Goodbye, enjoy prison, what are you getting 30? 20years?
Eve: Nicki please help me. I will never bother you again. Use your FBI connections, please. Our baby just died please have a heart.
Nicki: hold up, you and I are not friends and I wish you everything that's coming to you. Bye Eve, I gotta go celebrate my freedom as well.

Nicki hung up without mentioning the baby's tragic.

"Thanks for Dinner baby. But I will eat some later. I need a drink" Nicki said rushing upstairs to get changed again.

Megan looked at her. Her phone beeped. Message from Prudence, Aka doctor Page.

*Dr Eve Edwards' baby couldn't make it. And more bad news is Lucy passed on about two hours ago. Eve has been charged with murder, she just left the hospital with the police. She was handcuffed to the stretcher. I thought you should know baby girl that, you got no whore or unborn baby to worry about. Is time to forgive and allow happiness to take you in your 40s. Megan, I'm your friend and I can't allow you to grow old and grey all by yourself. You need to be loved and Nicki loves you. Talk to you later*

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