Repairing Broken Corners.

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Nicki stepped into the bedroom 

Megan was in bed after cleaning the blood off of her. Is like all that drama didn't even happen. Nicki raised an eyebrow. she checked the time it was 3 am. She got under the covers but just like her pretending wife, she couldn't sleep.

And Pam barely got sleep too. What a night.

Morning. Aaliyah managed to get to school because the housekeeper woke her up.

Nicki woke up late. She realised it and shook her head tossing her phone away, still very much sleepy. She got the last warning that she would be fired if this happens.
She felt like screaming. Her career was falling apart.

She woke up anyways. Showed up and went to work. After she left Megan woke up and went to the guesthouse.

Pam saw her by the entrance door and ran to the room and locked it. The housekeeper chuckled. "For a girl with a big mouth she sure chickens out very plainly," she said. "I'm gonna kill her. she better hide, tell her I can bring the door down too, this is my house. as long as she's here, she's not safe" Megan said and walked away

Pam heard everything and called her sister.

on call:

pam: you know I love you right?
Syd: yeah. what did you do?
pam: something terrible. something very bad. my boss is gonna kill me. I am hiding in a room as we speak. Sydney I'm in trouble
Syd: give me your boss's number. I will talk to her.
Pam: I don't think it will help. but I will send it

she hung up and send Megan's contacts to her sister Sydney.

At the hospital,

The new Chief asked for Nicki in her office,

"Dr 'I'm busy'... Were you busy again this morning when you get late? What is it that is getting you so late to work every single day? Kids? Husband? Just pure incompetence and lack of punctuation?"

"What do you think?"

"I think the last part! Lazy doctors who just devour the title without even working for it."

"Cut to the chase"

"I'm gonna have to let you go, but don't worry I'm not firing you. Just suspending you for two weeks" she told Nicki. "two-two weeks? you kidding right?"

"I don't kid!"

"I can tell by those wrinkles on your face." Nicki said walking away, "three weeks until you learn how to respect your boss"

Nicki paused
"I Quit!" Nicki said. "You can't do that, nobody can hire you after four years of disappearing. Stop overstating and go home come back after three weeks" Dr Diaz said. 
Nicki wanted so badly to go back to work, she wanted her life back, and she honestly couldn't afford to quit.

"One week!" Nicki negotiated. "Two weeks final offer"

Nicki walked out. She went home.

Megan got an unexpected call.
Caller: good morning, my name is Sydney Jose. My sister Pamela works for your family, ma'am before you hang up the phone, please hear me out...
Megan: I'm listening.
Caller: my sister has a huge problem. She might have fallen in love with your partner and started doing over and beyond sickening things to stop at nothing just to have your partner. Man or woman well in her past men. So I just wanted to apologise on her behalf and ask that you let her live in one piece let her come home please, she's all I have.
Megan: I can't promise you that. But I will try. Goodbye, Syd.
Caller: wait, your voice... It is, it is familiar.

Megan hung up.

Nicki walked in.
Megan lifted her face. "You home early..."

Nicki chuckled out of rage. "I'm suspended!"

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