Chapter Twenty One

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Justin's POV

I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh as I tried to get it in a way that I liked.

"Jesus..." I whispered as I looked into my reflection in the mirror. Maybe it was the fact that I was anxious, or maybe my hair just didn't feel like cooperating with me today, but styling it felt impossible.

Charlotte asked me to come over today, which made me anxious since she's never the one that invites, I'm the one who asks if I can see her.
But maybe it's because she's going out of town since she's going back on tour soon.

I've been sort of convincing myself that's the reason she's asking me to come over, but my mind keeps making me think about the idea that maybe she wants to see me to break, whatever this is, off.

I'd feel relaxed if it wasn't so hard to understand her. Most of the time she's cold and distant towards me, which makes me think that maybe she doesn't feel the same thing she once had for me, and she's slowly realizing that as we continue to talk. But then... she has days in which it feels like i'm talking to the old her, where she shows off her sweet and caring side, those qualities that drew me into her so much over the past.

... and I just don't know exactly what to think.

"Fuck this..." I whispered as I went to reach for a hat, giving up on fixing the best that sat over my head. Besides, I was taking too long already, I didn't want to make her wait for me so long.

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

I got in my car and let out a deep breath, to let the nerves out. The car ride to her hotel wasn't that long, at least without traffic, usually I get there in less than fifteen minutes, so I barely had time to calm myself down, which only left me to fake my confidence as an option.

I made it and handed my keys to the valet parking man, and got my phone to text her that I was here.

wait in the lobby
I'll go now

I stared at her text confused. Why was she coming down? I thought we were just hanging out upstairs like usual.


I looked around my surroundings and waited a few minutes for her to show up.

"Hey." I heard from behind me.

I smiled, instantly recognizing that voice, and turned to face her.

"H-hey." I stuttered as I took in her appearance.

She looked really pretty, my eyes couldn't stop running through every detail of hers.

"My eyes are up here." She joked before letting out a giggle.

"Sorry." I said as I stopped staring. "Where were you?" I asked.

"Nowhere." she laughed as she reached for my arm, which she held onto as she guided me to only she knows where.

"Why are you this pretty for then?" I asked

"Do you want me to look ugly?" she kept on laughing as she turned to face me.

"No." I rolled my eyes playfully. "I just wanted to know if it was for a specific reason."

She nodded and continued dragging me after her.

"Charlotte... where are we?" I asked her.

We finally stopped once we reached a door, and she stopped to turn to face me.

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