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The grassy field was moist due to the heavy rain last night, the cleats of Rin's shoes dug into the mud as he continuously practiced his shooting.

The ball smoothly rolled over as the insides of his shoes skillfully tipped the ball making it roll side to side as he juggled it around.

He dribbled past the defenders with great agility while swinging his feet back before coming into contact and making the ball fly into the goalpost with great precision and strength.

The fury inside his heart did not quell as he only continued to distract himself from the tension in his chest by letting his frustration out on the sphere object, constantly thrashing it against the net of the post.

His teammates looked up at him with overflowing concern, his eyes still blood shot as his chest moved up and down due to his staggered breathing.

Shidou rose his eyebrows in surprise at his rough behaviour before hollering out and reaching out for the males shoulder, "What's up with you today pip squeak?"

Rin harshly shoved Shidou arm off him as he pushed the male back unconsciously causing Shidou to fall back and land on the wet grass, "None of your fucking business." He snarled before continuing to retreat back to his bag.

Shidou scrambled off the floor before rushing towards Rin's figure while swinging his arm catching everybody off guard at his sudden actions.

Shidou's fist met with Rin's cheek causing him to stumble back by the sudden impact.

A loud groan was led out as Rin caressed the spot on his cheek before turning around to meet with Shidou's ruthless stare.

Anger took over his senses as he resorted to immediately lunging himself at Shidou but was held back by the collar of his shirt with Isagi's tight grip never letting go.

The both of them restrained by the hands of their friends as they scowled at each other mercilessly.

Suddenly, groups of student began rushing towards the field with their devices pulled out pointing it at the two of them.

The news of a fight on going broke out quicker than expected with students immediately dashing their way towards the place upon hearing the announcement.

Yells began to erupt as they flooded around the field, their sneakers squeaking against the wet ground as they nudged each other trying to get a clear view.

Rin's eyebrows furrowed as he stared at your blurry figure behind Shidou. You stared horrified with eyes widened as the students surrounding you gawked at the chaos.

Upon being met with the big crowd, Shidou relaxed his arms, chest heaving up and down while he requested for his friends to let him go. Wiping his bruised fingers on his jersey dusting his battered and bleeding knuckles.

He stared at Rin letting out a small tsk looking at the trail of blood rolling down from his nostril as well as the tear on his busted lips.  Rin felt his cheek beginning to turn sore as his face contorted into a sour expression.

Shidou approached Rin's vulnerable figure before furrowing his eyebrows as he puckered his lips out before spitting out a string of salivia onto the tip of Rin's blue shoe.

The crowd led out a large gasp as they unconsciously moved further away.

Whispering under his breath, "I saw her tear-stained face last-night asshat."

Shidou gave Rin a sharp glare grabbing his towel off from the bench behind Rin, pushing through the crowd as he made a beeline for the bathroom leaving the male with the large crowd.

The students began throwing questions at the helpless boy, but was soon forced to disperse and all rushed back inside the school premises upon the command of his teammates.

They stared at Rin with curious eyes and you swore you felt hands trying to push you forward into the mess.

Disappointment was evident on your face but the vivid memories of last night was still etched in your head, to say that you held a deep grudge was an understatement. You only shook your head with a snicker before returning back to class causing the by-standers to be surprised at your actions.

You were one of the first to hastily return back to class, widening your strides as you tried to avoid questioning from your schoolmate.

Being welcomed with suspicious stares darted at you was not fun at all, you felt your voice go hoarse as you desperately tried to wave off the crowd repeatedly explaining that you had no involvement in whatever had just transpired.

Your classmates only let the topic drop once they noticed how frustrated you were beginning to become as you desperately shooed them away from your desk.

Rin looked up expecting for you to be standing somewhere with a ice-pack clutched in your hand, helping him clean off the blood that decorated his face.

But was met with the sight of an empty field as his teammates stared at him with unapproved expressions, he hated the stares of pity that his teammates gave him thus he stomped towards his bag.

Slinging the strap over his shoulder before exiting the field while wiping the metallic substance off his face with his wrist.

Some part of his hair was drenched due to his sweat as his shirt clung onto his body, limping his way back home with his cheek stained in a purple hue.

On his way, he roughly kicked every pebble in his way as while as harshly knocking over cans and trash bins making by standers terrified at his behaviour, chattering to themselves as they commented on how disrespectful he was acting.

However, Rin could only care less as he bit the insides of his cheeks, knuckles fisted tightly together while he spouted curses repeatedly.

LEARNING TO LOVE HIM : ITOSHI.RWhere stories live. Discover now