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It was finally winter season, a season that holds many memorable moments of laughter and joy. The snowflakes that fell from the sky followed by the frequent gust of wind would cause anybody to turn jittery in their winter boots.

The wintry sun was the brightness of the day, taking centre stage as the blooms of the summertime become a part of the soil. The sunshine and cold, the sparkle and the ice, somehow warm even when the north wind bites.

However in this cold weather, two teenagers stood feet apart from each other with frozen hearts despite being at the same traffic light desperately trying to ignore each others presence and the thick tension that hung in the air.

Rin dug both his hands inside the pocket of his black puffer jacket trying to warm them up while staring up disinterested at the busy road with different cars driving left and right.

Despite how detached he looked from reality, he kept wondering whether you would recognised him as the mysterious stranger you had so accidentally kissed that wonderful night causing his fingers to escape the pocket of his jacket and unconsciously hover above his bottom lip.

Your head would slightly whip to the side playing it off as you looking at the surroundings when in reality you were so desperately trying to catch a view of him.

Rin was not oblivious to your tactics even feeling a small smile climb all the way to his lips and a small blush to form across his cheek, lucky for him the dark navy blue fabric around his neck made it almost impossible to see the features under his nose.

The only proof of his smile being the crinkle that formed at the end of his eyes whenever his lips would tug up causing you to feel a tad heartbroken wondering why he was laughing could it be perhaps that he had found somebody new, lucky for him.

You turned to look at the grey concrete pavement across the busy road with a sour expression noticing how the withered leaves that used to occupy the ground space was now replaced by the thick piles of snow causing you to reminisce about the past.

You had both your hands clamped together as you skipped down the path with the towering male following closely behind, you suddenly stopped dead in your tracks as you excitedly turned around to face Rin who wore a bored expression.

The feeling of thrill engulfed your entire being as you offered the palms of your hands towards him shoving it in-front of his face with a bright glee.

Rin only stared down at your adorable Sanrio mittens before reluctantly connecting his hands with yours. The warmth that occupied both your palms reduced the cold temperature that the both of you were currently experiencing causing your insides to twist in exhilaration and content.

He only looked down at your state with questionable eyes, keeping his silence when you had started to excitedly swing both your arms and forth chuckling under his breath at your strange actions.

Feeling feverish and giddy, the both of you walked to school in the cool weather enveloped under a blanket of comfortable silence, not that you minded anyways sometimes it was nice to bathe in tranquility once in a while.

The sudden rustling of multiple boots trampling against the snow snapped you back to present times as you noticed that the once red light was now replaced with a bright green one, the short memory slipping your mind making you hastily rush across the street.

The air is frozen lace on your skin, delicate and cold, like winter waves on sallow sand. The sky is washed with grey, watery light illuminating thin patches to brilliance.

In some moments you find yourself watching your boots over the frozen sidewalk, perfect concrete slabs, flat and square, and in others transfixed to the interplay of cloud and sun above. For some reason your mind conjures a stone mosaic made beautiful by the shards of a mirror and you want to desperately keep your eyes heaven bound while your imagination makes them one thing.

Only the slipping of your feet brings your attention earthward once more, the need to stay upright pulling your mind into present times again.

Rin stayed behind allowing a big distance in between the both of you guys as he watched you from a comfortable distance reminding himself that there were now boundaries that had to been taken.

It allowed him to realise how much the both of you had drifted over a immature and petty argument. The urge to apologise for his actions only increasing the longer his eyes stayed on you.

Though saddened it only proved his need to come to terms of his mistake and accept that he was after all the falling cause, thus pushing his pride to the side he improvised a last minute apology in his head going through it over and over again until he was sure he had perfected it.

You fiddled with your phone in your hand feeling unknown about the dilemma and crisis that the male behind you was having currently at the moment.

Too invested in your entertaining and competitive game of Tetris you had failed to notice the scrambling footsteps that rushed towards you from the back and before you knew it you felt somebody clasp their fingers tightly around your wrist forcing you to turn towards the culprit.

Rin's navy blue scarf was now loosened around his neck as he stared down at you with cold and empty eyes, he attempted opening his mouth to say what he had initially intended to but not a syllabus was able to escape causing him to mentally scold himself over and over in his mind.

You only looked up at him startled by his sudden behaviour, panic and adrenaline rushed through your veins as you felt your feet glued to the floor making it impossible to escape from his painful grip.

"Yurei!" A sudden call caused both of you guys to snap your head across the road catching sight of Nagi, you quickly heaved a sigh of relief as Rin reluctantly unlatched his fingers allowing you to wriggle out of his grip and run across the busy roads towards the white-haired male.

Nagi stared at Rin with a blank face examining how he frustratingly bit his lips in annoyance before diverting his attention back to you.

"What was that about?" Nagi teasingly asked as he wiggled his eyebrows in anticipation. He was dressed in a white puffer jacket accompanied by a dark grey sweater under, truly a contrast compared to your dull and dark all black outfit.

You felt absolutely clueless at the events that had just transpired causing you to shrug and mutter helplessly under your breath, "I dont know.."

Nagi looked down at you with raised eyebrows before turning his heel away from you, leaving you behind with arms crossed, "Keep your secrets Yurei! I thought we were best friends after all!"

You did not fail to catch the fake sadness in his voice as you ran after him shouting teasingly, "Hey come back here dust head!"

Rin only attentively stared across the road eyes squinting at both your retreating figure with jealousy brewing inside his stomach, annoyance filled every inch of his body as he bit the inside of cheeks trying to push away the scowl that was creeping up on his lips.

Angered by the laughter, he witnessed how cheerful you were with who he would now consider an arch nemesis making him angrily ruffle his hair at his failed attempt to apologise.

LEARNING TO LOVE HIM : ITOSHI.RWhere stories live. Discover now