Witches before wizards

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(Edit: For anyone wondering, yes, I made some changes to this chapter.)

Open on the Owl House. Wind howls as it moves Luz and AJ's open and creaking window. Luz and AJ had both moved away from each other during the night in their sleep, AJ sleeping on his left side hugging Luz by her waist with his mouth slightly open, and the sounds of quiet snoring coming from his throat. Luz rolls over onto her left side, breathes heavily, and clenches her closed eyes a bit more as she is having a dream.

Flashback to events of the previous episode: Owlbert hopping through the portal door in Eda's tent with a sack in his beak, Luz and AJ together run through behind the palisman.

Luz: Stop adorably hopping away, you- *Stops and looks around the room* Huh?

AJ: *Stops right next to her* Woah..

Cut to the living room, the first time Luz and AJ having entered the Owl House.

Eda: Welcome to... *Snaps fingers*...the Owl House.

Candles ignite. A fire in the fireplace starts, a cauldron starts stirring itself, and a broom starts sweeping the floor. Overhead, a depiction of an owl beast of some kind begins to glow with a great screeching noise. Luz and AJ looks at it all in awe.

Cut to the breakout at the Conformatorium, and the first time they've seen AJ's mystic power.

Luz: Now eat this sucka!

She pulls out the fireworks from her message bag, and throws it up in the air before giving AJ a lift.

AJ: Hot soup!

He swings his right fist at the fireworks, but right before his fist comes into contact, the tonfas in his hands spark with red electricity. The red electricity creates a crackling, holographic looking power around the wooden weapons. The punch added with the sudden power boost sends the fireworks straight into Warden Wrath's mouth.

Cut to Luz and AJ's first staff ride, the formers eyes shut tightly shut with tears leaking out through her eyelids as she hugs AJ and her book tightly.

Luz wakes up with a gasp and looks around the room. King is sleeping at the foot of her sleeping bag snoring.

Luz: It wasn't a dream!

She notices AJ holding onto her waste, causing her to blush and smiled brighter than before, before she starts shaking him awake.

Luz: AJ wake up! It wasn't all a dream!

AJ: Hu-huh? *Slowly opening his eyes* What?

Luz: I'm gonna become a witch and you're gonna be a mystic warrior, it's gonna be great!

AJ: Not so loud...

Luz: *gets up and Opens the window* Good morning, terrifying fantasy world.

Monster: *Waving at her* Good morning. *Sinks into the ocean*

Luz: Ughhh.

King continues snoring and AJ is about to fall back asleep.

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