Any sport in a storm

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Open on the Right Foot, moments after AJ was hurried onto the ship. Lutin had finally freed himself from Amity's abomination trap, and Brutus had regained consciousness.

Lutin: *Growls* Those little brats. *Turns to the ship* And those pandas.

Brutus walks over next to him, clutching his bruised forehead and groaning. Lutin turns to him with a frustrated glare and smacks his arm.

Brutus: Ow! *Rubs his arm* What was that for?

Lutin: Why did you just stand there and let that panda take swings at you?! You're supposed to be a skilled warrior, aren't you?!

Brutus: Well, what happened to you?! *Points at his chest* You got schooled by a teenager!

Lutin: At least I put up a fight!

Brutus: You actually put in the effort?!

The flames on Lutin's head burn brighter, grew a furious and embarrassed blush on his face. He lets out an exasperated sigh as his blush and flames calm down, turns his back to Brutus, tilting his head down, and his face gets shadowed out.

Lutin: *Speaks dramatically* Something has happened to Master Shredder, and because of that meddling Mystic Warrior, he has gone missing-

Brutus: *Tilts to the side, trying to see Lutin's face* Why are you talking like that?

Lutin: *Presses a finger against Brutus' lips* Silence! Do not interrupt.

Brutus furrows his brows, shoves Lutin's hand away, and crosses his arms.

Lutin: Alright, where was I? *Snaps his fingers* Oh, right. *Looks off dramatically again* We do not know when The Shredder will return, but he has left us one objective, *Narrows his eyes* get that key.

Lutin begins to walk away with Brutus reluctantly following behind him, not noticing Eda, Luz, and Lilith flying past them from above. They join back with the Foot soldiers to see them still digging through the dirt, hauling in any sparkling mineral onto the carriage.

Lutin: And we shall also prepare for Master Shredders return. No breaks, no rest.

After hearing this, Brutus looks to all the Foot soldiers looking exhausted and straining themselves to mine and gather every sparkling mineral they can find. He frowns a little at the sight.

Lutin looks to the side, notices the upset look on his face to see all the working soldiers. His expression then softens, finally taking into account the bruised bump on Brutus' forehead.

Lutin: *Sigh* Actually, *Puts his hands behind his back* maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to rest for a while.

Brutus looks to him a little surprised to hear him suggest this. He then grew a small smile on his face.

Brutus: Maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to have vegan coconut scones either?

Lutin: *Dryly chuckles* Maybe it also wouldn't be a bad thing to watch Jitsu for Justice with those scones?

Brutus gasps excitedly to hear Lutin say they could watch his favorite and hugs him tightly, but thankfully doesn't crush him. Lutin dryly chuckles and lightly blushes, hugging his friend back.

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