Not everything is in black and white

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Luz, AJ, and Amity are taking a stroll through Bonesborough together with AJ holding Amity's left hand and Luz holding her tight hand.

Luz: So, what do you guys wanna do today?

AJ: *Hums in thought* I don't know, I honestly just wanted to hang out with you girls today. *To Amity* What do you think, Amity?

Amity: I'm sure, I haven't really got anything to suggest, but thankfully that's a good thing for me. *Pulls them close to her by wrapping her arms over their shoulders with a big blush* Because I get to spend more time with my favorite humans.

AJ/Luz: *Blushing* Aww!

They all bring in for a group hug, and after a minute they pull away and continue walking.

Amity: *Cups her chin* But for a suggestion, I say we check out that diner.

AJ: Is it the one with the *Gestures with his hand, wriggling his fingers* the giant moving hand sign?

As they continue talking, Luz suddenly the cries of a baby down an alleyway they passed by. She takes a few steps back looks into the alleyway letting AJ and Amity walk ahead.

Amity: Hehe, don't worry they don't just serve severed hands. *Turns to Luz* What do you say.. Luz?

AJ: *Notices she's gone too* Wait, where is Luz?

Luz: *In the distance* Baby!

AJ and Amity look back to see Luz with her arms raised, runs down the alleyway with a war cry.

AJ: *Sigh* Where is she off to now?

Amity: I don't know- Wait, did she just yell out baby?

They look to each other with slight worry before running after Luz.

Cut to Luz rounding a corner and sees a crate the ground shaking around. She takes a step closer to it but ammediatly stops as the crate falls over towards her to reveal a few shewed up blue radishes and a baby panda demon with green eyes, covered in dirt and soot, and a rat with four eyes having a tugga war with a whole radish.

 She takes a step closer to it but ammediatly stops as the crate falls over towards her to reveal a few shewed up blue radishes and a baby panda demon with green eyes, covered in dirt and soot, and a rat with four eyes having a tugga war with a wh...

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Luz: *Gasps, lightly blushing; cupping her cheeks* Baby panda!

The rat was able win the tugga war and run away with the radish in its mouth. Leaving the baby cry and wail reaching out for the radish.

Luz: Hey, *Pulls out three ice glyphs* give the baby his fruit back!

She presses the glyphs and throws them forward, sending three spikes of ice in the rats direction. The rat dodges the icicles and retreats into a small hole in the wall.

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