Escape of the palisman

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Open on a Slayground in the middle of Bonesborough. Several baby-track Hexside students are there. A sign at the front gate reads "THE SLAYGROUND funded by the Bonesborough department of parks & wreck".

Cut to a sign above a bench that reads "ALL BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTERS MUST BE LEASHED". Eda, AJ and Luz are sitting on a bench under the sign.

Luz: *Visibly nervous* What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him? *Gasps* My parental instincts are freaking out, man.

AJ: *Without thinking* I'm gonna have make a future mental note of your overreactive parental instincts whenever we have our own kids.

Luz: *Blushes; doing a double take on AJ* Wha-What?!

AJ: *His whole face turns red* I'm gonna prete*Voice crack*nd I didn't say that out loud...

Luz: No, no, no, no, hold the phone and talk to me! Did you say-

Eda: Hush you two. Look at him, he's fine.

She points to King trying to climb the slide.

Luz: *To AJ* We're gonna have a talk mister. *Directing her attention to King* It does look like he's having fun.

AJ mouths to Eda "THANK YOU", luckily without Luz noticing and Eda grins, nodding.

King grunts, climbing up the slide.

Luz: Aw. I wonder what cute little game he's playing.

AJ: Probably something about a throne

King: Stand back, cretins. *Grunting as he reaches the top* Yes! Yes! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant. Bow to me you snotty underlings. Bow!

Kids: *Share a look* Okay.

One does a handstand while the other does a backbend.

King: Yes, appease your master.

A black (no racism) ginger kid with snot hanging from his nose climbs up the ladder on the slide and walks up from behind King.

Usurper: This isn't for standing, it's for sliding. You try. *Shoves him*

King: Whoa, whoa! *Screams, grunts hitting the ground* Eda! *Runs to his friends, clings to AJ's leg* That monster took my throne.

Eda: You mean the baby?

King: No, the usurper. I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!

Usurper: *Riding a spring rider* Kaboom!

Eda: *Unscrews Owlbert from her staff* Yeah, I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old.

Owlbert hoots.

Eda: He's got better things to do. Like this... *Scratches under his wing*

Owlbert warbles.

Luz: Aw, what a sweetie. How did you get him?

AJ: Or did you make him yourself?

Eda: Yeah, I made him from the branch of an ancient tree. *to AJ* How did you know?

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