𝘉𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 ☾

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With the continuously ticking sound of the clock, the lunch period arrived signalling the break of the student's long classes. Within the loud chatting sounds of the other students, one familiar with his long raven hair where some streaks of blonde hair were playing hide and seek gathered up his stationaries quitely.

After exiting his classroom, the raven haired male just put away all his unnecessary things. Finally he could now meet Yeonjun and Hueningkai.

The Fun part.

Or maybe as he thought.

Before heading towards the cafeteria, he pulled up his everlasting sunshine smile despite having storms and heavy rainfall of pain inside him.

Humans are really unpredictable aren't they?

How many persons around us hide their sad emotions under their smile like this?

Can we imagine that?

No. Absolutely not. We don't have the slightest idea about this.

As Beomgyu entered the place, his eyes immediately wandered around looking for his best friends.

"BEOMIE HYUNG OVER HERE!" Beomgyu spotted Hueningkai and Yeonjun at a distance sitting by the window table of the cafeteria. He smiled a little in the victory of finding them.

"Heyy!! So how was class?" Beomgyu asked striking a conversation with them.

"Boring as usual. Why do I even have to learn about history when it doesn't have any use in our real life! URGHH! Annoying shit." Hueningkai ranted out. The raven haired male just chuckled at his statement. Well, history is indeed boring. There is no lie in that.

"Mine was maths class. It was okay hehe!"

"Yeah yeah of course. For you everything is Okay." Hueningkai said while munching on his sandwich being obviously done with his hyung.

But Yeonjun didn't speak at all even though both of them were talking. Beomgyu light smile started to fade little by little noticing that he is clearly not interested in talking. Who said he is the person to give up?

"Yeonjun hyung? What about you?" Beomgyu said attempting to talk without being too much awkward with tight lipped smile.

The older male who was busy eating stopped his actions and directed his face to them before answering-

"Oh Yeah Mine was okay. Not that any class is interesting anyways." Replying quite blandly, he went back to eating not speaking a single word extra from himself. The youngest male who just saw everything sighed. He was honestly very annoyed. But didn't want to cause any kind of issue among them.

Before for them Friendship comes before any kind of Ego or self respect.

Beomgyu on the other hand could hardly eat. Firstly his physical conditions are not in the best state, let's not even Talk about his mental health and the lack of taking proper health is also affecting him little by little. But he couldn't care less.

He thought talking and chatting with his best friends will be the most fun part after this long boring lectures.

But why does it feel suffocating?

This was internally killing him.

Friendship problems are one of those problems that will hurt not your mental health but also your soul.

The interaction turned out to be Bitter.

Beomgyu kept on playing around in the food with his spoon not having any plans of eating it soon. And the older male noticed it.

"Gyu? Why aren't you eating?"

"Eh?" Beomgyu being flustered all of a sudden muttered out. Yeonjun sighed and said-

"I asked Why aren't you eating? You have been getting skinnier and skinnier. Eat properly gosh." The older blabbered out more like scolding the raven haired male.

"I-I just don't feel like it... Is it an applicable answer?" Beomgyu said with a light yet sad expression. But still having a small smile playing around his lips.

"Absolutely Not. Eat it right now. Come on."

The older ordered Beomgyu to which the younger gladly obliged because he was more than happy seeing Yeonjun finally talking to them normally.

But as we think things are falling back to place, life has to be a bitch of course.

Beomgyu finished all his food under the older male's supervision. He turned towards the older to see his reaction. The older's expression held a satisfied grin.

"Okay Good! Make sure to eat properly. Or else I am not gonna leave you alive." Yeonjun might be stressed about his own personal issues. His attitude towards his best friends may be go as per as he thought. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care at all. Of course he loves and cherish them.

But what's the harsh truth?

Humans may not want to do anything that can hurt their loved or close ones. But time and situation both extremely fantastic enemies to make them forcefully commit into an act they might regret later.

And with every second passed by, the bell rang. The lunch period was over. Was the lunch too short or was he drowned in his thoughts too much that the time flew away literally?

Aish. It sucks.

"Yeonjun hyung."


"Wanna go for a walk at nearby park in the afternoon? Me and Huening are going."



The older male refused the offer almost in a millisecond. Didn't he give a single thought to this offer? He had other stuffs to deal with or only wanted to run away?

"No Gyu. Not today. I am busy."

"B-But can't you atleast try?"

"Gyu, I already said No. Why don't you get my point huh?" The older said with a bit of harsh tone, though he didn't mean to sound this mean or rough. His voice just didn't cooperate with him this time. Beomgyu's heart ached a bit, well scratch that his heart hurt a lot.

"Now move Gyu, I have Class you better go too." saying this the older disappeared as he ran towards his classroom.

Beomgyu just stood there feeling quite hopeless and disappointed. He shouldn't be disappointed but still he couldn't control his emotions.

You know there is a familiar sickening feeling at the pit of your stomach, when you know the wrong person according to other's perspective too well. Too well to be able to say that there weren't always like this.

The raven haired male felt the same sick feeling inside, while Hueningkai watched the two from a distance. No one would want to in a kind of situation that he has to tolerate and see all kinds of wrong attitude from one to another.

For the nth time in the day, a deep yet cold sigh left the raven haired male's mouth.

The conversation did end up to be Bitter.

It's like he thought he will taste another flavor despite knowing what was the actual flavor of the situation.

He wanted to be oblivious but he couldn't.

He knew it was not turning out well.


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