𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘭 ☾

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Time seemed to slow down it's pace, because It felt like an eternity since Yeonjun was taken inside the Operation theater.

Just restlessness and anxiety kept growing inside the two waiting males.

Finally after ages, the doctor came out from the OT immediately alerting the two males. They rushed towards the doctor hoping for the news they wanted to hear.

"D-Doctor, is Yeonjun hyung out of danger now?" Hueningkai questioned.

-Please say yes, please say yes.

The doctor sighed while taking off his surgical mask and spoke-

"He is out of danger for now..."

A wave of relief washed all over the two male's body but only for their chest to get tightened again-

"But we can't assure that when he will wake up. I am sorry."

Beomgyu and Hueningkai felt like someone dragged the ground away underneath them.

"S-So you mean Yeonjun h-hyung is in coma?" Beomgyu asked his voice shaking while a tear slipped out from his eyes. The doctor's expression showed nothing but pity. He felt bad for them.

"I am afraid yes. He got heavily injured on his head. But thankfully there was no blood clotting inside his brain. He is out of danger of course but his body is not responding properly. The situation is a bit complicated. We can just hope for the best." The doctor bowed to them before leaving the two devastated males alone.

Their mouth parted in shock. Before they could intake all this informations, a nurse came to them and said-

"We are moving the patient to a normal cabin from ICU. If you want you can visit him. But visitors more than three are not allowed." Beomgyu couldn't speak up. So Hueningkai took the lead to respond back.

"Yes, thank you." After bowing the nurse went to another cabin. Hueningkai drifted his attention to the other male.

"Beomie Hyung... let's go see him." Beomgyu just nodded because he really wanted to talk to Yeonjun but it's not gonna happen any time soon. Atleast they can see the elder now.

Both males took their heavy steps towards the cabin where Yeonjun was kept. They were greeted with the strong smell of antiseptic and other typical scent of medicine in the room. The room was very quiet. The beeping sound of the heart monitoring machine was heard. And there the older layed on the bed looking all pale.

White bandages being wrapped around his head, hands and legs. Canola and saline supplier were connected to his hands. And an oxygen mask was attached to his mouth for maintaining his normal breathing system. He was just fine this afternoon but now he looked pathetic wrapped in so much bandages.

"Hyung... Can you hear me?" Beomgyu softly asked the peacefully sleeping male anticipating for a reply which was hopeless was now.

No response.

"Why were you walking so carelessly in the road? What if you.... passed way on the spot? You didn't think even once what will happen to your friends huh?" Beomgyu ranted out to the unconscious male despite the fact that he can't hear him.

Or at least he thought so.

"You are so Selfish Yeonjun hyung!" The youngest among the three was just quitely listening to the raven haired male. He lowered his head listening to Beomgyu's frustrated yet sad tone while ranting.

What they didn't notice is the light movement of his hands when Beomgyu said that He is selfish.

"B-Beomie hyung.. does Yeonjun hyung's parents know that he is now in hospital." Hueningkai asked catching Beomgyu's attention who just shook his head.

"No actually... We didn't even get any time to check around. You can call his parents."

"Uh.. I will call his father for now."

Hueningkai said while grabbing his phone. Beomgyu then made a confused expression hearing the youngest's statement.

"What about Aunty Huening?" Beomgyu said referring to Yeonjun's mom. Huening shook his head before saying-

"My gut feeling says that it's better to let his father know at first. So yeah. I will be right back." Hueningkai went outside the cabin while dialing the number of Yeonjun's father. Beomgyu sighed as be saw the younger going out.

The raven haired male very gently took the free hand with his warm hands. He felt shivers run through all over his body as the raven haired male touched Yeonjun's hands. The older's hands were so cold on the contrary to his own hands.

"Wake up soon Yeonjun hyung... You have two persons who are looking forward your recovery the most always." Beomgyu muttered lightly.

"I wish our last conversation didn't go like that. If I knew this will happen I would have never let you go before solving our silly fight." Beomgyu kept on talking to the lifeless looking male with the hope that he would somehow listen to him.

Little did he know his wish actually worked. Yeonjun was standing infront of the raven haired male and his own lifeless pale looking body. He heard every single word that Beomgyu said.

Yeonjun went towards Beomgyu and hugged him with an attempt that he will not get too heartbroken and assure him that he will get well soon. A tear escaped the older's eyes. His eyes softened.

But Yeonjun very well knew, Beomgyu can neither see him or feel him through the hug. He was just a wandering Soul now.

Yeonjun looked at his own body feeling pity over himself. As he was standing at the corner, he heard the cabin door opening in a rush, and saw his father running towards his lifeless looking body. Beomgyu got startled by the sudden door opening but his face turned sad as he saw Yeonjun's father who was looking like a mess.

"Yeonjun? Son! What happened to you? Please get up." His dad said holding the free and cold hand of Yeonjun's body.

"Son, it's not fair. We didn't even have a proper conversation last time. P-Please wake up." His dad said breaking down while Beomgyu just patted the elderly man's back trying to soothe him.

But, the fear of loosing one's child is the worst for all the parents.

Beomgyu knew it very well. He didn't get to experience that himself but he knows.


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