𝘚𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 ☾

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Yeonjun was now 4 days behind from the current time that means he is currently in the past dimension.

He is strictly prohibited from getting any kind of access to change anything from the past.

He needs to keep in mind that Future is heavily dependent on Past. If anything changes in past, the future also changes.

And as the female named Jieun said, his vision and POV switched with Beomgyu. And another plus point is that he is currently beside Beomgyu. Since Beomgyu can't see him there is no problem. He now needs to figure out his actions.

It was early in the morning, Yeonjun spotted Beomgyu sleeping on the floor?

"Wait why is he sleeping on the floor?" Yeonjun questioned to himself. And his reflexes immediately went towards the sleeping male wanting to put him on the bed. But he forgot about his actions on the past elements can affect the future. As a result, he felt a strong electric alike shock on his hand resulting him to take back his hands.

"Oww That hurts." Yeonjun exclaimed to himself. But then it striked him. He just sighed because he can't do anything. Since Beomgyu is sleeping now, Yeonjun went towards a corner and took out his Scented Cycad's flower which was glowing very beautifully. He caressed the flower gently drowned in his own thoughts.

Time passed by, and Yeonjun saw Beomgyu struggling to wake up groaning by himself. But the raven haired male eventually woke up.

"I better hurry up." The older heard the raven haired male mumbling to himself. It made Yeonjun question that why was he is such a hurry? School still had time to start?

Is he okay?

Beomgyu got changed and packed his bad before rushing downstairs followed by Yeonjun. He saw Beomgyu making three servings of food in a hurry. But that hurry and careless attitude also came with a price.

"OUCH!" Beomgyu jumped when he felt an unbearable heat on his finger leading to burn his skin. Yeonjun who was watching him also flinched as the latter jumped in pain. Beomgyu washed his burnt finger under cold water for a while and just sighed. Yeonjun felt bad for Beomgyu. He can't even do anything because his action will affect the outcome directly. So he was not allowed to touch him. After a while the younger male just served the rest of the food in a plate and covered it as he finished his own serving.

But Beomgyu wasn't lucky enough to escape without being bruised that day.

As Beomgyu opened the door to leave quitely with his bag, he was harshly pulled back resulting him to fall on the ground with a huge thud. Yeonjun's eyes widened seeing the sudden violent turn of the earlier peaceful atmosphere. Beomgyu's aunt who was responsible for the pull crouched down and grabbed a handful of hair of the male making him scream in pain.


Beomgyu who was shivering in fear just said-

"A-Aunty.. I kept i-it o-on t-top of y-your d-desk." The elderly woman just let out a tskk sound before harshly leaving his hair.

"Finally you are being useful from a useless shit. Now leave before I beat you up. My hands have been itching to do that. But since you did what I asked I will pity you." Rolling her eyes like a bitch, the elderly woman went away walking like she didn't just abuse her own nephew. The abused male's lips were quivering and his body was shaking violently.

Yeonjun's eyes became full of tears. His mouth parted in shock. His own hands were shaking. He felt so useless because he can't treat his best friend's wounds.

B-Beomgyu was being a-abused all this days?

Yeonjun watched Beomgyu get up despite his pain and ran out of the house. The older male also followed him. The whole walking to school was quite, as the raven haired male silently walked forward. Yeonjun kept on gulping down as he felt his throat drying up repeatedly.

Yeonjun saw Beomgyu caressing his head multiple times in the place where his aunt pulled the hair earlier.

"It must have hurt..." Yeonjun thought to himself bitting his lips harshly. Then he saw the bioluminescent glowing flower was glowing even more.

Huh? It's glowing again? Am I having the correct thoughts?

After a while, Beomgyu reached the school and Yeonjun saw Hueningkai approaching him with the biggest grin on his face.

"Good Morning Hyung!!!" He wished brightly. Beomgyu couldn't help but to return the smile with the same warmth.

"Same to you Huening-ah!" Beomgyu smiled to the younger genuinely.

But Yeonjun saw that the raven haired male clearly didn't have the best morning. Let alone a Good morning..

"Hyung, let's go wait in the cafeteria we still have 20 minutes left for our classes to start."

"Oh yeah of course. Let's go. By the way did Yeonjun hyung come?" Beomgyu asked Hueningkai.

Yeonjun who was following them without being seen by anyone, his expression changed. He remembered that he wasn't in the best terms with them for the past 2 weeks. He didn't talk properly with them.

"I think he is also in the cafeteria. Let's go check."

"Yeah let's go."

Yeonjun who was following the two males also went towards the cafeteria. He then saw himself like his body sitting on the furthest corner of the place. His face clearly stated he had no interest to talk with anyone.

I never even thought how Beomgyu and Hueningkai will feel If I suddenly become distant.

Am I this fool and..... Selfish?

Yeonjun saw how Beomgyu's mood drastically changed. He never realized how much pain Beomgyu would hide within himself.

Within that sunshine smile..

It seemed like that, Beomgyu didn't want to tell anyone about this abusing treatment he received maybe everyday.

He didn't bother to share it with Yeonjun and Hueningkai.

Or at least he thought so.

"Isn't Gyu selfish too?" He thought to himself but then again he lost his right to say anything because he himself never shared the continuous family problems he faced.

He may have switched his POV with Beomgyu but his thoughts may not take long to drift away in the wrong direction.


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