𝘞𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 ☾

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Yeonjun stomped away being very annoyed from the lake place. But his steps gradually became soft.

Whoever that pink haired male was, his words weren't incorrect honestly.

And Yeonjun knew it already.

-"Fix your problem with your best friends Yeonjun before it's too late."

-"You are really Selfish Yeonjun."

This two sentences continuously ringing around Yeonjun's mind was eating him down alive. He didn't notice that it had already started to snow.

BGM: Another Day-Monday Kiz, Punch♪

The weather is quite windy and now snowy.

"Wait it's snowing already?" The male thought to himself as he realized he didn't really bring a thick jacket with him. He was just wearing a full sleeve shirt along with a sweater vest. Without realizing it himself, Yeonjun unknowingly walked infront of their school.

It's like his legs had it's own direction.

He saw the time, the classes will probably end within 5 more minutes. He reminisced the memories of him and the two other males infront of the school gate.

"Yeonjun hyung I brought some dumplings for you. Heree!!" Yeonjun saw the raven haired male running cute with a plastic bag in his hands along with Hueningkai.

A small smile crawled into his lips seeing those memories happening infront of the school gate.

"HYUNGGG! Let's Hangout!!" Hueningkai shouted to the oldest male who was actually waiting for them. Hueningkai latched his hands around the older's shoulder while walking towards the nearby park.

His eyes started to form those salty tears again. His throat gathering up a lump that he had to swallow continuously. His face already heated up from controlling himself from breaking down into tears.

Yes, he was selfish. Very Selfish but he loved his friends a lot too.

They were his comfort place.

And now because of his stupid behavior, he also ruined his comfort zone.

Thinking about this thoughts, the classes were already finished. The students coming out in a hurry to hangout ot either go home or having other plans. Beomgyu also came out of his building and looked around to search for Hueningkai. And he spotted the younger almost immediately.

"Huening-ah!! Over here!" Beomgyu shouted loudly for the younger to hear his call. Hueningkai heard the raven haired male and approach the male.

"Yes Beomie Hyung!"

"Yeonjun hyung was absent today."

"Yeah he was.. guess he really doesn't want to talk to us."

"Hey Huening, don't say that. Maybe he has other reasons right? You never know."

"Right... Maybe. So should we visit him?"

"Not a bad idea. Let's go." The raven haired male said. Both of them immediately came out to spot that it was already snowing. They had to move quickly. The weather was getting cold very fast. As the two of them came out of the school infront of the school gate, Hueningkai squinted his eyes by seeing a male in the distance as if he was trying to recognise who it was.

But his eyes widened recognizing the male-

"Hyung!! Isn't that Yeonjun Hyung LOOK?" Hueningkai said pointing his finger towards the older's direction. Beomgyu followed his finger and was shocked too seeing Yeonjun there.

"Oh My GOD- Yes it is Yeonjun hyung!"

Both of them hurried walking towards the older male who was walking quitely being really unconscious about his surroundings. So distracted that he didn't notice a speedy car coming towards him.

"YEONJUN HYUNG WATCH OUT!" A loud shout seemed to bring back his sense but before he could do anything, it was too late. The last thing he heard was the the car crashing to him with a huge glass breaking sound.

Beomgyu and Hueningkai immediately ran towards the heavily injured male. Their body froze seeing the heart wrenching scene infront of them.

Yeonjun was laying down in his own pool of blood, his face, hands were all bloody. His white shirt was tainted with that same crimson colored liquid. Those hair strands of him soaked in blood. His eyes half closed. People gathered around the scene showing pitiful expression.

"NO No!! HUENING CALL THE AMBULANCE!! QUICK!!" Beomgyu shouted holding the bloody hands of Yeonjun. His head was bleeding. Beomgyu just hoped it doesn't develop any kind of hemorrhage due to the excessive bleeding. Yeonjun was trying to stay conscious but he felt like a heavy force was being applied on his eye lids forcing it to shut down. He felt someone grab his hands despite the smeared blood all over his numb body.

"I-I a-am s-sorry g-gyu.." he somehow muttered those words before finally giving up to stay conscious. Beomgyu couldn't hear what Yeonjun muttered as he said it at a very low voice. The raven haired male went to a Panick mode seeing the older close his eyes completely.


"T-They are on the way Hyung. Please c-calm down." Hueningkai said to Beomgyu or more like convincing himself to calm down.

Time Skip~

Beomgyu and Hueningkai both were at the hospital feeling completely restless. Yeonjun was now inside the operation theatre fighting with death. Beomgyu cried so much that his eyes were now visibly swollen. His nose completely red from crying too much. His hair all shiveled up messily. Hueningkai was trying to keep the raven haired male calm though he himself was very devastated.

"H-Huening what if something happens to Y-Yeonjun Hyung? I will n-not be able to forgive myself." Beomgyu said his voice cracking in the process.

"Hyung please stop crying. Nothing will happen to him. Please!" Hueningkai hugged the older while patting his back trying to assure hims that everything will be fine.

The world was playing with them at this point.

At first, the developing distance among them.

Then those bitter words.

After that Yeonjun getting into an accident right infront of their eyes.

When they wanted to sort their problems out.

Time has now turned it's face against the three males. Only the time knows whether Yeonjun will survive or end up in death bed.

Just one term could explain the situation,

Wrong Timing.


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