Chapter 8

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Five days had passed since the investigation began. The pair of students had advanced a lot with their work and despite working with a tragic fact they were happy, they had managed to obtain a positive identification of the shooter at the house of the victim Hope Johnson, her name was Claire Underwood, social worker just promoted that had emigrated from a neighboring town to settle in NewShire 8 years ago. She, with an excellent academic record, got a position in the help desk at the regional hospital where she worked for a few months. According to the research she suddenly abandoned her position and never came back.

She was one meter sixty-five tall, had short blond hair, weighed around 75 kilos and had brown eyes. She did not have a recognized address in the city, but further investigations concluded that it was possible that she was living with Hope, since the clothes in which she was seen buying the lethal liquid  that her friend would use to allegedly comit suicide days later, were the same clothes that Hope had bought as a gift from a store near her home.

As for the gray Bora that they had seen in the video, it had not thrown much more, it was too far from the camera for the old security system to capture the driver, so they had to settle for an incomplete patent that according to the base of data from the city department of vehicles matched at least half a dozen of the city's cars, and not to mention if an interstate search was set up, the results according to the forensic analyst would be astronomical.

That did not discourage them, interviews with Hope's acquaintances continued, there were not many but they gave a good idea of ​​the relationship she had with her missing mother, who had not approached to claim her daughter's body or even her personal effects. 

The view from the passenger seat of the black sedan that belonged to David Jackman was somewhat grim. The trees lost their leaves with every breath of the wind that night, everything seemed dark in the deserted streets of the town as had become customary after 6:00 p.m., a storm was whipping the city most of the afternoon and late that night, the heavy rain threw trees away from their roots and everyone who was near the river was alerted by the forestry police for its flooding. She played with the strap of that inseparable bag of her while she saw that his dilapidated porch was present in the panorama. She reviewed a bit of the previous morning and was glad she had had the lucidity to close the kitchen windows.

She got out of the car without waiting for David to open the door for her like a true gentleman his mother had raised. She walked around the vehicle with her hands in her pockets to protect herself from the cold and walked to the entrance of the house with the boy's footsteps following her like a shadow. Once in front of the door she turned on his heel facing him, that was as far as she would allow her to go.

-Thank you very much David for bringing me home, it was not necessary- she gives him a grateful smile, although a little false. It's not that she wouldn't have liked the company of David and his family, her mom was great and her sister was a sweetheart if you knew how to talk to her, but she felt overwhelmed by all that attention, for a long time she was alone trying to forget a past that for that trio was very present and instead she just wanted to forget.

-Please, it was the least I could do, my mother almost dragged you to the family dinner when she found you in the market in the afternoon- it was true, she had insisted so much that agreeing, had not been difficult for her even when her feet ached and had a headache after a long day at the police station.

-Don't worry, I like your family- he puts a strand of hair behind his ear.- I'd better go tomorrow I have a long day...thank you very much for dinner bye- she started to escape from the discomfort that was forming .

-You're welcome, when you want you can... come back- she heard this last affirmation far away in the wind. Aeryne had already entered the house, going to the fireplace to start a fire to warm her body. After a few minutes of trying, she manages to light a log enough so that she has enough fathom to heat the place. She took off her shoes, leaving her in stockings, left her bag on the sofa and took off her coat while she went into the kitchen to put on the water to drink a hot coffee.

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