Chapter 9

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Laughter could be heard on the other side of the door from the hall, anyone standing on the other side would say that they weren't working at all although what was going on was much more serious than that. 

The person with his ear to the door on the outside of the office knew it.

Meanwhile, Dylan wiped the tears from his eyes after laughing so much, it had been difficult for him to control his breathing after that confession, the totally serious face of his partner had impressed him after such a joke, at least he expected a smile infected by his own laughter but she had managed to keep the seriousness on her face, she must have been an actress, she thought as he composed the posture and settled into the chair.

-Well, they do look alike if you start to compare- wiping the last trace of tears from his cheeks. Aeryne understood her partner, she also thought it was a joke when she found the image in that old photo album, but the more she looked at those two people who smiled back at her the more she realized that it was not a joke, those two people had that having a past that united them, there was no doubt.

She took the bag that had sat next to her on the floor when she arrived, the weight of what was in there could not only turn the investigation but her entire life. She took the album out of the bag, placing it on the table in front of her friend's eyes, the one who had been smiling minutes before was worried about the girl's face, it was not a game or a joke for her.

He took the source of anguish from the table and opened it, reviewed the photos where he found the alleged mother of his partner with a robust man, with military haircut and a uniform that betrayed that he held an important military position within the armed forces. Meanwhile the girl got hold of her wallet and rifled through the money and student cards to find the one picture she had kept with her when she left.

As irrefutable proof of that comment, she let her partner compare the two images, the one that was in the album and the one that she just took out of her wallet. Side by side in the images it was clearly the same man, Aeryne's father, the girl's family distributed between those two clippings from the past.

-That photo is the last one I had with my father when I was 14 years old, at the celebration of my last birthday, the one we had together- she plays with a napkin in her hands, fold it, then unfold it and folds it again in a different way.

-Yes, this is more than a coincidence- he was still looking at the images, perplexed- this is serious, the boss must know about this situation, and he will surely remove you from the case, you are too involved to continue with this- he returned the image father to the brunette

-That's why you're not going to say anything, no one will know where that image came from, Detective William should never know where I got that image from...- desperation was clear in her voice.

-You know what I'm going to say, you can't start your career as a detective this way and if you continue down this path you may never start at all, think of the consequences it will have on your career... think of the consequences it will have on me if they discover that I knew all along your connection to the case, that you are involved beyond reason in this- he lowers his voice when saying the last.

Aeryne hadn't stopped to think for a second that she wasn't the only one involved in this investigation, this job was for two and to pass they had to have a successful result, at least they had to prove they had knowledge of following police protocol, which she had started by snapping at the first chance she got.

Throwing her head back on the seat, she didn't stop to think about how that would affect the others and now the feeling of guilt that overwhelmed her was overwhelming.

-Give me 24 hours please, that's all I ask of you, then I'll personally make available all the information to the boss and I'll get out of all this in the blink of an eye, please-she put on her best pleading tone.

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