Chapter 3

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The phone snapped her out of her thoughts, she didn't know how long she sat on the floor with her back on the lower kitchen cabinets, her hand pricked her in pain and some of the drops of blood that had fallen on the floor had already dried .

She gather strength to get up from the ground, the lack of food clouded her vision for a moment, her body felt the remnants of everything that had happened hours before, although her anatomy resisted, she walked through the room until she reached her bag where he had the basic items to survive without your big suitcase. She opened the bag with her left hand wincing at the pain in her other hand that reminded her that she had to clean herself if she didn't want it to get infected with the filth of the forest and that house. She swiped her finger across the screen accepting the call.

"Hello?" I take a seat on the two-piece sofa. The full-length mirror she used to spot any wrinkles she needed to remove from her school uniform before heading off to school gave her a deplorable look at best.

"Aeryne Wolf?" The voice on the other end of the phone sounded like the voice of a man with 10 years of uninterrupted cigarettes and whiskey in his system.

"It's me, who's speaking?" She looked away from the mirror.

-I am Detective Williams, your guardian in the Hope Johnson case- she felt her body wake up, it was not the time to be broken, later she would fix her pieces, now she had to put herself back together to achieve the goal of what she was about to do - I called your colleague and now you to let you know that they will have a schedule from 0900 to 1500 hours every day until the last day, they must come to the station every morning to report and work from here-

"Yes sir," with her good hand she scribbled the instructions on a piece of coffee-stained napkin.

-The start of work will be tomorrow at the previously mentioned schedule-

-Yes sir, thank you sir, goodbye- she cut the call feeling the adrenaline renew her desire to start her work the next day.

She retraced the path previously made but instead of going back to the bedroom she turned right into the bathroom, the towels were still in place, clean as if time had not passed, Aeryne still couldn't figure out how everything in the room The house was a mess except for her mother's clothes and toiletries.

She closed the shower curtain and turned on the faucet letting the water run, being careful not to injure herself more than she already was, she began to undress in front of the mirror, the bruises from the fight had a strong pink color, the lacerations caused by running in the forest without dodging the bushes burned like a thousand demons on her skin and despite all the oppression that had taken place in the chest of the brunette did not allow her to feel pain for everything that happened that noon. She put her feet in the water feeling every cell in her body crying out for her for some peace, she stepped into the tub until her breasts were covered by the warm water and her muscles began to relax.

She outlined the shape that her muscles gave to her legs, soaped her thighs, going up her abdomen to her neck, washed her body carefully, feeling the sponge clean the dirt from the house, all the dust that had stuck to her body. As she ran through the woods, she rinsed her hair with hair mousse trying to take perhaps a bit of her most painful memories with her. Hours later, when the water turned cold, she got out of the tub, grabbing one of the clean towels and wrapping it around her body.

From her tote bag she took cotton wool that she used to remove her makeup at night and a flask of rum that she had bought in the waiting room before boarding the flight that would take her to the center of the county. She knew she would need it though she didn't know how much until she saw herself in the bathroom mirror. Pronounced dark circles, red nose from crying so much, dark eyes, lifeless, her body bruised with bruises in its early stages of formation, sore, with the lack of hours of sleep and food wreaking havoc on her body.

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