(35) Judgement Day

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Mario fell... upwards? into a field of grass. He rolled over and squinted into the distance - it was a city, but Mario had a feeling this fake world wasn't done yet. He got up to his feet to see a blonde, angelic-like girl laying on the ground. Odd. He then spoke to himself. "Hopefully Anon stays-a out of this one. Kid's-a too greedy for his own-a good. Because now, I gotta get-a back to..."

Mario slowly looked up as his eyes shrunk. There was a giant black ball-like Angel in the sky with numerous eyes staring down at the poor pesky plumber.

"...to business?"


He looked up, and then to the fallen angel. He dashed over to shake her awake. "Hey! Hey-a you!"

The blonde fluttered her eyes open. "Keru...biel... why is it... hostile.. now.."

"Don't-a care! How about stopping it? Got any ideas for-a that?" Mario dropped the girl and looked at Kerubiel.

The girl got up slowly. "It's fueled by jealousy and took it's own will. I believe brute force will stop it."

"So, the thing I normally-a do?"

"Beat people up?"


The girl looked down on herself. "Mayuri. I'm Mayuri." She dusted herself off. "I.. I'm not sure why Kerubiel is active so early... This... this is wrong. It's like a bug in a game..."

Mario adjusted his gloves as he leaned towards Kerubiel, ready to fight. "You know video games?"

"Mhm... I studied them to relate to Shido's emotions... but it is far too early. I'm not sure why... but..."

Mario grinned. "I get it. So, you-a want me to just take this thing down?"


"Sounds-a good to me! Let's-a-go!"

Mario pulled out his hammer and slammed it on the ground to propel himself upwards to face the boss fight.



Shido's vision was double-crossed until it all came back to him. He slowly got up. "My brain feels like it recieved one too many of Kotori's kickings..." As soon as his vision corrected itself, he noticed some sort of oddity in the air, then feeling something strange. He had the strange feeling to DIVE OUT OF THE WAY. He did just that-

Just then, a dust cloud suddenly appeared in front of the boy, as a edgy sword went in and sliced at Shido's current spot, and then the wielder of the sword appeared before Shido. A goth looking schoolboy.

Anon: "Hello, playboy."

Shido looked around the landscape, then pointed to himself. "Me? Hi. I'm sorry, I don't know you..."

Anon: *smirk* "Of course, you don't know your long lost depressed and abused twin brother that was only brought up recently."

"...you look nothing like me."

Anon: "Of course I don't! I don't wanna be you! I wanna be edgy!"

"Then get to the point! What do you want to say?!"

Anon: *growls with demonic voice* "JUST DIE ALREADY"

Shido pulled out Sandalphon as he and Anon clashed.


Mario faceplanted onto the floor, skidding back. He looked up to Mayuri with a dirty face. "You could of-a told me about it's-a power."

"..sorry, I'll try better. Or maybe not. I'm fated to disappear."

"...oh." The reality sunk in for Mario. "I'm-a sorry for coming off-a mean earlier. I'll take it a little bit more seriously." Mario pulled out an Item Shuffle bag he got from Luigi. - a random item that will help him in battle. He set the bag down as it opened by itself and pulled out a propeller mushroom.

"Huh... I see." Mario looked up at Kerubiel and then down to the mushroom, as he grabbed the 'shroom and consumed it, turning into Propeller Mario.

"Let's-a-go!" Mario posed before flying up.


Anon clashed with Shido again.

Anon: "Tsk, how do you like it, playboy?!"

Shido was sweating, they were going at it for quite a while...

"What are you, an OP male reader or something...?! Cut me some slack with your biggest number you know..."

Anon: "Stupid idiot dense loser! My IQ is nine septillion! You do the MATH!" *charges again*


Mario drilled his feet into one of Kerubiel's eyes as he jumped back and landed on his feet, dusting off his shoulder pads as Kerubiel spazzed out.

"Haha!" Mario gave a thumbs up to Mayuri. "Brute-a force DOES work! Maybe I can-a use this on Bowser!"

One of the eyes turned orange. Mayuri's eyes widened. "That's... not... supposed to happen?!"

"Huh?" Mario looked back at Kerubiel and put a hand over his eyes to see better. "Woah, that eye's orange! It kinda looks-a like.."

A energy dragon burst out of Kerubiel as the latter vanished.

Mario's time FROZE for his perspective, then came right back to him. No...


"Mario-!" Mayuri yelled as the dragon swooped down and consumed her. Mayuri was fused with the dragon. None of her form was there, but it is assumed that the dragon absorbed her powers.

The dragon looked at Mario with spite.

They met before.

The dragon roared as it slammed into the ground, breaking the entire false reality...

The Megabug was back.


Shido laid on the ground face-first, squinting up to see Anon's sword.

Anon: "I'll take that harem."

Just as he was about to swing down, an energy dragon burst out of the ground and immediately swooped at Anon, consuming him.

Such a short lived life of jealousy and envy, immediately vanished by the Megabug.

The Megabug proceeded to slam into the ground again, completely crashing the entire reality,

making Ren vanish as well.

The Megabug was back, and hungry for REVENGE.

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