(44) Origami's Last Stand

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An impossible scenario was happening before Shido Itsuka.

Origami got up groggily, life back in her eyes. "I.. did it happen again...? Ah... I'm sorry. I've been spacing out from time to time lately."


That confirmed Shido's theory. Devil and Origami were different. From the mere sight of Mario to trigger it, goodness knows what would happen if a Spirit were present.

"Ah..." Origami smiled. "It's nothing to worry about! I'm probably just anemic or something! A-anyway..." The white-hair blushed. "I'm guessing you read the note I left on your desk...?"

"Yeah. You're free Saturday?"

Origami covered her face, immediately turning for the exit. "That's all I wanted to say!" She bolted and slammed the door behind her.

Once she was gone, Shido ran to the railing and looked down. "Mario! Are you okay?"

Mario rubbed his head, giving Shido a thumbs up. "Uh huh. Sure-a thing. I don't-a know why Origami turned-a Inverse on sight, but I believe I have a theory."

"Go on. Shoot."

"Somehow, the Origami of-a the old world is Devil, and-a forcefully takes over the Origami of-a this world. It-a seems I'm some sort of trigger for her."

"Her trigger for you must have been as deep-rooted as the Spirits. Then again, you two DID legitimately fight to the death while I was kidnapped... and thwarted her time and time again while I was dating Spirits."

"We've-a got two princesses on our side, and-a Origami's got none. I don't-a want to see her harming either of-a them."

"I know. I trust you." Shido leaned his arm on the railing, still looking down on Mario.

"So, what's-a your plan?"

"Take her on a date, obviously. Kinda my job."

Of course, explaining all of this to Kotori and Reine was nothing short of awkward as the imouto awkwardly recounted Shido's tale. "So, let me get this straight, you made this world as a result of you and Kurumi using time powers to save Origami's parents who should've died five years ago in order to rewrite the history that follows."

"Pretty much it." Shido confirmed.

Kotori sighed. "I see..." She folded her arms. "Now I understand why you've been acting weird since yesterday."

Reine absentmindedly tapped her tablet. "However, Origami Tobiichi, who shouldn't have Inversed, has done so in this world and now exists as Devil. I've reviewed the encounter with her and Shin to prove he's not lying. Origami hasn't the faintest idea she's a Spirit."

"Well..." Shido tried to think. "Mario did theorize that the Origami-before-we-changed-the-timeline is Devil forcefully taking over the Origami-after-we-changed-the-timeline."

"You speak of this numerous times. Shin, you, Kurumi, and the otherworlders all have knowledge of the original world, correct?"

"Yeah..." Shido looked down on the table aggain. "However, can't exactly get Kurumi to confirm. She's gone dark."

"Her powers are the cause of this, and I assume there's a reason on why you all remember." Reine went back to tapping her tablet. "During Miku Izayoi's time as a Spirit, Mario and Luigi have not been affected by her Spiritual powers. Once asked for clarity, Luigi gave an apparent word-of mouth that it was Monarch's passive Spirit Waves."

Shido looked up at Reine again. "Monarch?"

"Mm." Kotori replied. "The big dragon they call Bowser."

Reine continued. "Passive Spirit Waves are being in direct line of Spiritual powers. I'm led to assume that Mario's world operates under different rules. Regarding all of this with Kurumi, perhaps her time travelling bullet had inflicted Spirit Waves into you, as well as people caught in her shadow. Due to also being hit by Kurumi's bullet, it's possible Origami's old memory may randomly surface upon seeing either Mario or the Spirits, thus instantly awakening as Devil."

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