✔️👦 SCP-662 x Child!Male!Reader

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[SCP-662, Others say that his name was The Immortal butler, or The Butler's bell, Who bow's to everyone and follows their orders, He can almost do anything his ringer asks, as long as they make sure that the bell they were holding were SCP-662's.]

A butler takes care of someone's kid.


"[READER], Please be a good boy and don't enter any contai- I mean doors that you're not supposed to, okay?" My mama said softly. "You can wander around dear, just don't go in any doors you know you're not allowed to."

I nodded silently, covering my arms, and walked away, not waving goodbye to my mama, walking through the halls of uh.. uhmm..? I put a finger on my chin. Site.. what site is this again like mama said?

I continued to walk down the halls while trying to remember what she said about this site.

Suddenly, I stubbed my toe on something, and I crouched down and held my toe as my eyes became blurry with tears.

A man came from nowhere, and looked around before seeing me and immediately crouching down to my height.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" He kept his eyes on me while looking around, until he saw what I stubbed my toe on.

"Oh, You stubbed your toe on my bell." He said calmly, before laughing quietly to himself.

I looked at him, my tears streaming down my face. "It hurts! Waaaaaa..!" I wailed.

"Shh.." He said, patting my head. "There is no need to cry. Can I see your toe?"

I pursed my lips and nodded, before removing my shoe, his hand gently grabbing my feet and inspecting it. While he did that, I rubbed my tears with my wrist, embarrassed that I made a scene.

"Hm, strange, My bell normally doesn't do this much damag..-" He trailed off when he looked at me, now realizing how scarred I was.

"Did someone hurt you? Why do you have so many scars?" He panicked worriedly, his hands that was once holding my feet were now lightly gripped around my wrists, his eyes wandering through my arms.

I let out a sniff when I remembered what happened. "M-mama said I was tested a-and the tests said I-I take 1 times 10 d-damage more than a normal h-human.." I sobbed again. "They hurt me for testing they said! It still hurts me to this day! I hate mama! She let them hurt me! It hurts!"

I cried in my hands, as I felt a hand place itself on my back. "It's okay to cry dear, I'm here." I hugged him as tight as I could, and I felt him hug me back.

We sat in silence until I opened my mouth.

"Mama doesn't mention Papa.." I muttered, and I felt a vibration in his chest when he let out a hum of confirmation to let me continue. "You make me think about papa.."

He combed my hair, giving it small pats from time to time.

"If you want me to, You can just call for me." He said. "You see this bell?" I heard a ring of a bell and I moved my face from his chest to see.

"You can keep it, just hide it so they don't know that you have it, okay?" He said sweetly, making me look at him in awe.

"P-Papa.." I muttered, not realizing what I had said.

"Hm?" He said, his eyes widening at the sudden word from me.

I said nothing, but continued staring at him in amazement, which made him clear his throat in slight astonishment.

"Well, let's have a walk around?" He said, standing up from his position and handing a gloved hand towards me, which made me take it with no hesitance.

{Author's/note}: Another thing done, yay... Ugh, I'm tired

[Total words = 652]

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