{R} ☠️💌 SCP-682 x Reader

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[SCP-682, Known as the adaptable reptile has some secrets it'd prefer to keep to itself.]

(Author's note at the end.)

We meet again.

“[REDACTED], Look at what I found!” The said reptile perked up at it's name, in which only one other knew.

“What is it, {Y/N}?” [REDACTED] teased. “Is it another fossil?”

The other reptile, turned and nodded, it's eyes seemed to sparkle. “Yeah, But it's a— it's a cool one! It doesn't look like the ones I— I mean we have seen before!” they stuttered out, occasionally, when they were nervous, they'd jumble up their words.

{Y/N} motioned their head towards the ground, a dug up hole indeed showcasing a shaped skull, making [REDACTED] pout.

“You said we haven't seen this before, yes we have!” Huffed [REDACTED] as it lightly stomped on the ground making vibrations. “It's a human skeleton!”

{Y/N}'s beaming look fell, as it looked at the skeleton with a melancholic look.

“Oh..” {Y/N} mumbled out softly, catching [REDACTED]'s attention. “I forgot again..” [REDACTED]'s teasing mood dropped as well, as it rushed towards {Y/N}.

“No, It's okay! I tend to forget things too, okay? There's nothing wrong with forgetting stuff since we'll live for eons!” [REDACTED] blurted, giving a small head bump towards {Y/N} who gave a small smile in return.

“Okay..” It said, puffing smoke out of it's nose as it looked up, seeing the warm sky turn darker. [REDACTED] also looked up and admired the sunset, barely able to see it because of personal problems.

“Hey, [REDACTED]?” It started, eyes still trained on the sky, occasionally blinking. [REDACTED] hummed, it's eyes stared at the beautiful view in front of it.

“Do you think there'll be a time we forget about each other?”


‘I never did, but knowing your forgetful features, Although; You might.’ Was what it wanted to say, but all it could do was whine it out as an unconscious tear slipped from it's eye in it's sleep; Safe to say, it was having a dream within a nightmare.

And the pain he was experiencing made him feel worse. If only humans didn't test on it then maybe it wouldn't hate them, if only humans didn't take it away from them, maybe it's hatred would've been minimal.

“SCP-682, It's time for breakfast.” A voice from the speaker, making him growl as his eyes scrunched up.

“SCP-682 Wake up—” In a millisecond, 682’s tail made strong impact on the mirror, making one of the four doctors jump harshly; said Doctor landed on his butt.

Dr. Clef raised an amused eyebrow with a mischievous smirk, never have seen this reaction come from the unkillable reptile itself.

Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Bright’s reaction was nothing more than a mere recoil, but theories and hypotheses immediately flooded the three’s minds; What possibly could've gotten such an aggravated reaction from this immortal thing?

As the unknown doctor scrambled to get up and scold SCP-682, Dr. Clef pointed a gun at the back of their head, making them freeze.

“Kindly, back up.” Clef says, his eyes not removed from SCP-682’s figure, taking in every single detail of it's body language and every single twitch of it's limbs. “I wanna observe something.” The Doctor gulped and backed up, watching as well as the other three.

‡ 𝐒𝐂𝐏 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 (#𝟓)Where stories live. Discover now