Be My Boyfriend (part1)

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"Jeon Wonwoo, will you be my boyfriend?" Soonyoung.

Wonwoo's Pov.

Yesterday Soonyoung tried to annoy me so I guess now it's my turn to annoy him. With that thought I went to office early. I texted Soonyoung that I'll be in office till 8am at 6am. I'm sure he must be sleeping that's why he never saw the text. I reached office at 8am and was waiting for Soonyoung. He sure didn't read my message as he reached office at 9:45. I got a good chance to tease him. I smiled to myself.
Soonyoung seems excited as he thought he is early today but when he saw me in the office. His facial expression changed. I can tell he is confused and annoyed.
"Why are you here already?" He asked me confused.
"Who told you that I'll come on office hours?". I asked him back.

Then when do you come to work?". He asked again.

"At 8 I guess". I replied.
Soonyoung was stunned.
"Am I supposed to come before 8?" He questioned. I just nodded to that. "No, why would I come early than office hours ". Soonyoung frown . I can tell he was sulking.
"You have to ". I raised my eyebrows.
Soonyoung sigh.
"Why didn't you tell me beforehand?" He asked.
"Well I texted you. Didn't you saw that?"
"What text, wait.." then he took out his phone to check.
"Seriously at 6am?" He frown.
"Well I texted you as early as I got up". I said.
He just sigh heavily And started to tidy up the papers at the side table.

After tidings things he was about to leave the cabin but I stopped him.
"What is it now?" He asked annoyingly.
"Come here". I commanded.


"Here this is the theme the client wants for their party. Gather all the information about it and make a report about it. I want it till this evening ". I told him.
He wasn't annoyed by it though. He just took the paper and nodded.

Soonyoung's Pov.

So I need to make this report huh.
Well I'm not experienced in this thing but I'll try my best. Even though I've graduated from management department I still ain't familiar with many things as my only dream job was dance. I never thought I would do something like this. While I was tidings things in Wonwoo's cabin. I noticed the cup noodles. Huh that idiot eating cup noodles as breakfast. How can he be healthy like that. Wait why I'm even caring for him.
Yaa Soonyoungiee concentrate on your work okay.

I started to do my work. I searched for the theme Wonwoo told me and started to gather information. Well it is not that easy as I thought it would be.
I was so focused on it that I didn't even pay attention to others till my phone rings.
It was a massage.
I finally looked away from my PC to my phone.
It was text from Chan. My youngest brother like friend.


Hyung will you come
to practice today?

Yes I'll be there
After work.

This is Chan. He is the youngest in our friends group. He is passionate about dancing just like me. I care about him the most as he also have hardship in life.

After my mother's death. My father has been working hard for my education as well as he also takes care of me like a mother and father both. Just like that Chan.
It is not like he belongs to poor family like me but after his parents past away in a tragic accident , his uncle took all the wealth away from the little Chan and leaves him on his own. It was good that his grandmother took him in and took care of him. Chan is working at Joshua hyung's restaurant with Seungkwan. Seungkwan also came from average family. And his family is far away in Jeju, so he also needs to provide for himself. It was good that Joshua hyung asked Seungkwan to live with him in his apartment as it will reduce his expenses. And luckily Mingyu and Minghao took Chan in their apartment. Well Mingyu and Minghao own a clothes shop so they are also wealthy just like their parents. Their shop sells really trendy and branded clothes. Well they are so pricey for me but as I'm their friend, I always get a good discount. As for Seungcheol and Jeonghan hyung they are the only couple in the group as me and Jihoon broke up. Well the couple owns a hotel business. I per I know there are many hotels running in their name.

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