Taking care

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Wonwoo rushed to Soonyoung's room but stopped at the door when he saw Jihoon hugging Soonyoung. Right Jihoon is the one Soonyoung needs not Wonwoo, he thought that and didn't dared to get inside.
Soonyoung saw Wonwoo standing there.

"Wonu". He cried, asking him for a hug. Wonwoo couldn't control himself and went to hug him.
Soonyoung tightly hug Wonwoo's waist as he started to cry.
"I thought you will not come, I..... I was scared". He cried.

"I'm sorry Soon, I was late". Wonwoo said hugging him tightly.

"No, Wonu, I am happy that you came and saved me". Soonyoung said and stayed hugging him like that for few minutes. Then they parted and Wonwoo wiped his tears.

"What happened Soonyoung?" Seungcheol asked.


After the argument Soonyoung ran out of the building and cried standing outside. He can't believe that Wonwoo thinks he used him. But Wonwoo wasn't wrong though, Soonyoung have used him for his own good but right now he has fallen for him but it is like Wonwoo don't have any feelings at all. He cried for a while and then wipe his tears and decided to go home, but he didn't thought that there were some people who were watching him.

"Boss look there, isn't he the one who was being hero that day and his boyfriend beat you up?" One guy said pointing at Soonyoung.

The guy whom Wonwoo has beaten while saving that girl, looked at Soonyoung and a smirk appeared as Soonyoung was alone.

They followed Soonyoung and Soonyoung knew someone was following him, so he turned and saw them. He got so scared and started to run, he ran and ran till he reached a construction site and hide behind some boxes. He then tried to call Wonwoo but he didn't pick up even once. Soonyoung don't know what to do so he quickly sent a message to Wonwoo.
Then he thought of calling someone else, he tried to call Jun but it was not reachable then he called Seungcheol. But Seungcheol didn't picked up, Soonyoung was more scared and he tried to find someone else's number with his shaky hands. He was going to call Hansol when his phone rang, making a noise. It was from Seungcheol and Soonyoung quickly picked up.

"Hyung..... Hyung please... help me... I..." Before Soonyoung could tell him a guy snatched his phone and break it into pieces.

Soonyoung saw all the goons were standing in front of him and he was super scared.
"Because of you I had to stay in lockup for 3days, now I'll show you how it to be in wrong terms with me". The main goon hold Soonyoung's face harshly with his hand and slapped him hard that made Soonyoung fall on the floor and some blood coming from his lips.

"Awww your boyfriend is not here to save you today". Another guy said and kicked him in his stomach. Soonyoung whined in pain. They started to throw punches and kicks at him. Soonyoung tried to fight and throw a punch at the main goon which made the goon super angry and he took out his knife.
Soonyoung was frightened and tried to run away but the guy stabbed his leg and Soonyoung again fall on the ground.

"Boss let's go, I think we should stop". One of the goons said. And they all ran away from there and Soonyoung got unconscious. The rest everyone knows.

"Oh my god Soonyoung, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have had put my phone on silent. I shouldn't have told you go alone, it's all my fault". Wonwoo apologized.

"No Wonu, you didn't did anything wrong please". Soonyoung hugged him one more time.

"Jun go and report this to police and make sure they all got into the prison". Wonwoo told Jun and the latter nodded.

"It's good that you all are here". The doctor entered with a smile.

"Dr. Is Soonyoung okay?" Wonwoo asked and the doctor nodded with a smile.

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