Getting Closer

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"I really don't have any idea". Soonyoung replied honestly. He just doesn't want to guess wrong and make them feel bad. "How come you forgot me, my princess?" I male said and it was enough for Soonyoung to guess who it was. "Wonho hyung?" Soonyoung said and the male released his eyes. Soonyoung turned and was greeted with a big smile of Wonho. "How come you have gotten more pretty?" He commented. Soonyoung blushed at sudden comment and giggled "Hyung don't say that". "Wonho? How come you are here?" Shownu voice was heard and everyone diverted their attention to him. "Hyung you know him?" Jihoon asked. "Yeah he and I were in same class during college". Wonho hugged Shownu and told everyone that he have shifted to Seoul for his solo project. "By the way Shownu, who is he?" Wonho asked about Jihoon. "He's my boyfriend, Lee Jihoon". He replied. Wonho just nodded not being so excited for his friend. "Well princess I'm so happy I met you again and now I can go after you". Wonho winked at Soonyoung. Wonwoo quickly put his arm around Soonyoung's waist pulling him closer. "There is no way you can do that cause the guy here is already taken. And his boyfriend doesn't like you calling him princess so stop calling him that". He uttered. "He is dating who, you? Weren't you two best friends". "We were hyung but now we are dating". Soonyoung gave the answer. "Ahh I got unlucky again but if you ever plan to leave him, remember to come to me". Wonho said dramatically approaching his hand to pinch Soonyoung's cheeks. "That never gonna happen. I'm not going to leave Soonyoung ever. He is mine". Wonwoo said pulling Soonyoung more closer and moving Wonho's hand away. "Such a possessive boyfriend you are hyung". Seungkwan commented dramatically.

They finally started with the punishment. Joshua and Seokmin depart from there to hide and Chan and Mingyu tied their hands together. "Now let's go to watch a movie". Jeonghan said excitedly. "But Hyung don't we have to find Seokmin and Joshua hyung?" Mingyu question and others laughed except Chan and Hansol as they also don't understand. "Well let them have their special time. Till we can watch movie so let's go". Seungcheol said making his way to the theater and others followed.

Seokmin and Joshua decided to hide in the toys store behind big toy wrapped in cardboard. It was difficult to spot someone behind it so they thought it was a great place. It was almost evening when the movie ended. The others thought they will receive a call from Seokmin or Joshua but none came. Then they finally decided to call them. Joshua's phone rings which made him wake up from his sleep. He saw Seokmin was fondly sleeping putting his head on Shua's shoulder. He picked up the call. "Hyung don't you think you hide more that expected, or did you just ditch us and went home". Seungkwan said. "We still at mall. Let's meet at entrance". Joshua cut the call and shifted his attention to Seokmin. The latter was sleeping fondly having a small smile on his face. Joshua couldn't control and landed a peak on Seokmin's forehead. It made him woke up but he just smiled at older. " I liked what you did just now". He uttered silently but loud enough for older to hear. "Then would you like to go on a date to?" To which the younger nodded happily.

Everyone gathered at the exit and decided to head to a restaurant for dinner. They ordered the food and Soonyoung like a good boyfriend served Wonwoo. He had done that for Jihoon many times. Mingyu to tease him,also put his plate forward asking Soonyoung to serve him to.
Then others also tease him and ask him to serve. He has to serve everyone, Wonwoo told him not to but he said it was okay. "Feed me". Wonwoo whispered when Soonyoung sat down. He is putting on an act again Soonyoung thought but did what the latter told. When Soonyoung feed Wonwoo, he cupped Soonyoung's cheeks "why do you love me so much?" He said. "Cause at least you love me back". Soonyoung leaned his head on Wonwoo's chest thinking about what he just said. Did Jihoon really love him? Wonwoo even though he is acting take more care of Soonyoung than Jihoon ever did. Jihoon never adore him, he did sometimes kiss him, but he always complaints about Soonyoung this and that. Wonwoo didn't knew why Soonyoung was getting sad suddenly and he didn't know what to do to comfort him so he just wrapped his hands around Soonyoung and let him be like that for a while. Jihoon felt a strong slap of realization that how much he has mistreated the older. Somehow the dinner ended and everyone departed to their own house.

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