A Peek Into Past

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"Won, we will be there in few minutes". Wonwoo turned his gaze from the window to his mother who was driving the car.
"But mum, why do we suddenly need to move? I don't like to go new places". Wonwoo asked with a little pout.

"Baby, I've already told you. Granny is sick and needed someone to be with her. Why do you think I asked my work to transfer here in Namyangju, leaving your father and brother in Seoul?" His mother explained and he again looked out from the window.

Soon enough they reached his grandmother's house and yes, she was sick. Wonwoo felt bad that his granny is sick and he sat beside her telling her some stories and stuff.

"Won, dear Eomma have to leave early for work tomorrow, can you please find your school by yourself? I'm really sorry that I can't drop you off. My work starts really early as I need to come back early home". She told Wonwoo and he nodded, going to his now room to unpack his things.

Next day Wonwoo's mother made breakfast hurriedly and left for work. When Wonwoo woke up, she was already gone. He got ready by himself, helped his granny to eat her soup and then went to his new school. He is in 8th grade in middle school. He somehow followed the directions his granny told him and soon he was able to find the school. He went to teachers office and greeted her. She told him to wait a bit as classes going to start soon.

Wonwoo walk behind the teacher and she entered inside the classroom, Wonwoo stand out till she called him in.

"So students, this is Wonwoo. He'll be going to be in your class, so help him out". She told the class and then told Wonwoo to introduce himself.

"Annyohaseyo, I'm Jeon Wonwoo". The introduction was just that short, teacher told him to find a empty place and sit. Wonwoo saw a empty seat beside a boy who seems like sleeping, he just sat there. The boy opened his small eyes, noticing the presence of someone. He gave Wonwoo a smile as a yawn escape from his mouth.

"Kwon Soonyoung, did you had a good sleep?"

"A very good sleep miss
.....wait......oooiiii". Soonyoung whined as his teacher pulled his ear.

"Okay,okay I'll not sleep in your class. I'm sorry". Soonyoung said.

The lecture started. And one by one all the lectures were going on till it was lunch break.

"Hey buddy, let's eat our lunch box here in class". Soonyoung offered Wonwoo, while taking out his lunch box.

"I'm fine". Wonwoo left from there, it's not like he wanted to but he doesn't have any lunch box with him as his mother didn't got time to make one. Like always she gave him money and it's not a problem as Wonwoo have a habit to eat cafeteria's food. But he felt embarrassed when Soonyoung asked him to eat with him.
He just went to a vending machine and took a drink.

Soonyoung tried one or two times to talk to Wonwoo, but the glasses boy feels uncomfortable to be friendly with him, as he never had any friends.
Soon after Soonyoung stopped trying as he thinks Wonwoo is not interested being his friend.
Months have passed them sitting together but not talking much. Even though they used the same route to go to school daily, they still never talk.

Wonwoo slowly get used to Soonyoung's hype behaviour and his so much friendly nature. The whole class was friends with him, except from Wonwoo who still don't have a single friend.

One day when Wonwoo was going to school, he saw some people circling Soonyoung and were trying to bully him.

"How dare you try to flirt with my baby?" The scary looking guy asked.

"I am not even interested in her dude, she was the one who was flirting". Soonyoung replied trying to get away from there.

"You dare to lie, guys beat him". He told his three friends and they started to beat Soonyoung. Even though Soonyoung tried to fight, he was still young. How can a 13years old boy can do. Soonyoung thought it's going to be really painful to be beaten up, but he don't have any other choice. He was ready to take punches but he didn't get much as like a miracle, his saviour was there, who was Wonwoo?????

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