I'm sorry

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(The above video fits so well for my SoonWoo ship)

Soonyoung woke up early as he can't stop dreaming about Wonwoo and he just wanted to see him that badly. He got up at 6:30 and saw that Wonwoo didn't text him today, so he decided to text Wonwoo first.

Annoying boss

I'll wait for you for breakfast

After sending massage Soonyoung went to fresh up and then made breakfast, it was like nearly 8 but Wonwoo still haven't came. Soonyoung pouted as he sat on the dinning table, he put his hand on it, resting his cheeks on his palm and staring at the door.

On the other hand, Wonwoo don't know how much he had cried last night that his head started to ache the next morning. He literally didn't wanted to do anything but just lay down on his bed and not to see Soonyoung at all. But he has work so he needs to get up, and opened his phone to see the time. It displayed 7:39 but there was also a notification that is a massage from Soonyoung.
Wonwoo opened the massage and saw his massage. Wonwoo had a sad pout as he tried to convince himself that he have to let go of the older.
He took shower and went to Soonyoung's house.

The wait seems to end as Soonyoung heard the doorbell and he quickly went to open it with a cute smile. As expected or Soonyoung wanted, it was Wonwoo, but his expression were cold which is really scary. Soonyoung still said good morning but didn't get anything back from the younger.
He still wasn't unhappy, he placed the breakfast.
Wonwoo was silently eating but Soonyoung wanted to talk.

"How does it tastes?" He asked.

"Good". Wonwoo replied with his cold deep voice.

"Wonu, about that nigh..."

"It was a mistake Soonyoung, let's both just forget it". Wonwoo clearly declared that without even once looking at the older. Soonyoung's heart clenched as it wasn't what Soonyoung wanted. Does Wonwoo really thinks that it was a mistake and don't really have any feelings for him. Well sure, why would Wonwoo choose Soonyoung from all the good people who are really to marry him over there. Soonyoung sadly nodded as he loss his appetite. He was really unhappy now. He still looked up at Wonwoo and he can't let go of his feelings, even though there are many good people for him, Soonyoung will try to fight everyone to win Wonwoo. As he can't let go of what he loves. Soonyoung gave Wonwoo a smile which confused the older.

"If you say so, but I'll not forget it as my ass still pains". Soonyoung gave a cocky smile to the younger but Wonwoo just decided to ignore it. Soonyoung still shrugged it off with a smile and quickly did the dishes so that they can leave for work.

At work Soonyoung wanted to be beside Wonwoo but as Wonwoo is trying to avoid him, gave Soonyoung a lot of work so the latter will be busy and Wonwoo will not have to force himself to much. Soonyoung pouted and did his work. Then it was coffee time so Soonyoung went inside the cabin with coffee.

"Wonu, your coffee". Wonwoo just nodded, still eyeing the file.

"Put it here and you can go". Soonyoung pouted as why Wonwoo is always showing him away since morning.

But if Wonwoo have his tricks to avoid him, Soonyoung too have his tricks to be close with him.

"Wonu, I can't get this part. Can you please tell me?" Soonyoung came again after an hour or two with an excuse that he doesn't understand some part of work.
Wonwoo sigh as he got up from his seat and sat on the side table next to Soonyoung.

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