Helping brother

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Soonyoung came back after meeting Mingyu and Chan, congratulating them for getting together and having fun with his friends.
He saw Wonwoo standing near the table taking out some things from a suitcase, Wonwoo's back was facing him. He quickly went and back hugged him.
"Wonu, you came early today?" He asked snuggling his nose on the latter's back.
"Yaa Soon, what the heck". He heard a shout from side and he turned and saw Wonwoo standing there folding his arms and looking at him in disbelief.
Soonyoung got shock and quickly let go of the man he was hugged. The man turned, looking at him surprised.
Wonwoo looked at Soonyoung with a pout.
"Who are you?" Both Soonyoung and the guy said at the same time.

Soonyoung and that guy were sitting on the either side of Wonwoo, glaring at each other.
"Wonu, who is he?"
"Excuse me, I should be the one asking. Hyung who is he and what is he doing in our house?" The guy's asked folding his arms and looking at Soonyoung with daggers.
"Our..? This is Wonu's house, and I am his boyfriend. Any problem?" Soonyoung retorts glaring at him.
The guy's mouth open wide and he looked at Wonwoo for answer.
Wonwoo looked at Soonyoung in total disbelief shaking his head.
"Yaa are you idiot, don't go telling people some lies, we are not dating". Wonwoo said glaring at him.
Soonyoung got upset with that and looked at him with his puppy eyes.
And Wonwoo give in.
"Ahh now stop with that, I told you not to act innocent when you are definitely not". Soonyoung pouted, furrowing his eyebrows as he stopped with his being upset act.
"Then tell me who is he, and what is he doing here?" Soonyoung asked pointing at the guy as he looked at Wonwoo with his sulky eyes.
Wonwoo really can't understand Soonyoung at all, once he is upset then next second he is sulking then suddenly laughing. Wonwoo thinks they need to visit a psychiatrist soon.

"He is Wonsoo, remember my younger brother?" Wonwoo told him and as he has excepted, Soonyoung's sulking face turn into a surprise but embarrassed one as he hide his face with his hands and layed on the sofa regretting.
"He is his brother, you idiot". He mumbled to himself while Wonwoo and Wonsoo just looked at each other with awkward face.
Soonyoung quickly sat up.
"Hi I'm Kwon Soonyoung, not Wonwoo's boyfriend though". He said with an awkward smile.
"Oww Kwon Soonyoung the one hyung used to l...". Before Wonsoo complete his sentence, Wonwoo shut his mouth with his hand. Wonsoo looked at his hyung, furrowing his eyebrows as he removed Wonwoo's hand from his mouth.b
"The one hyung used to hate". He said smirking. He was definitely going to say love but now he wants to tease Soonyoung.
Soonyoung pouted.
"But he doesn't hate me now, right Wonwoo?" He asked with a hopeful face.
"Can you cook, I'm hungry". Wonwoo said ignoring the question as he stands up and started to walk to his room.
Soonyoung frown and looked at Wonsoo.
"Okay okay....... I guess he doesn't hate you now". Wonsoo said giggling as he also ran to guest room.
Soonyoung sigh and went to his room to wash up and started to prepare dinner.

"Wow hyung, it's tasty". Wonsoo said munching his food happily.
"Thank you". Soonyoung replied with a smile.
"So....... Why are you here? I still don't get my answer". Wonsoo asked raising his eyebrow playfully.
"Well you also didn't tell me why are you here?" Soonyoung asked back copying him, but just looking as cute as the younger.
"What is wrong with you? Why are you two being so cutely idiot". Wonwoo said trying his best not to coo at them.
Both looked at him and burst into laughter.
"Wonwoo hyung can be funny sometimes". Wonsoo comments.
"Well, my apartment has some problems so I'm here, now you tell me?" Soonyoung said.
"This is my brother's house, can't I come to visit him?" Wonsoo asked nonchalantly.
"Oww right, well then when will you leave?" Soonyoung asked smirking.
"Not so easily". Wonsoo stick out his tongue and continue his eating, Soonyoung acted like sulking but gave in and giggled as they happily enjoyed dinner.

Wonwoo was reading his book in his room when he heard the knock.
"Yes, come in". He said seeing his brother coming inside with two cups of coffee. Wonwoo remember when his brother always used to bring chocolate milk for Wonwoo and himself and talk with Wonwoo at night when Wonwoo used to miss Soonyoung a lot. Wonwoo did have told Wonsoo everything about Soonyoung and Wonsoo knows it by heart that how much his brother loves the older.

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