Chapter 2

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Enjoy ♥️

3rd Person Pov

As the songs ends, Wang Yibo raise and slowly walks to the person.

"This song is mine... It's lyrics are mine too. But.. Who gave the rythm to this? Who put this into a song??" Wang Yibo asked.

That person  looks down with alittle confused and scared face. Wang Yibo narrowed his eyes, observing his expressions.

The person looks up at Wang Yibo and says.

"I... I don't know.." The person whispers.

Wang Yibo confusedly looks at the human infront of him, standing with a little distance.

"It came on my lips on its own.." The person said lowly.

Wang Yibo looks at the person, when something came in his mind. He sang one of his poem's line.

"If no danger comes in the way." Wang Yibo spoke.

Hearing this that person looks up at him.

"Then I wish that destination won't come." The person replies him with the next line of his poem.

The distance between them was slowly closing.

"I forget her in one moment." Wang Yibo said.

"But condition is no heart will come in between.." The person replied.

Wang Yibo holds the person from his shoulders and leans clsoser.

"Who are you?.. Who are you after all?? How can you be my Xiao Zhan??" Wang Yibo asked deseperatly.

"This.. I can't understand, that why i can't remember anything.." The person said looking down.

The person looks up at Wang Yibo with teary eyes.

"I have just became a question." The person said.

"I don't know who i am *sniff*." The person said and started to sob quietly.

Wang Yibo looks at the person with worried eyes.


Night Time.

Somewhere, near a creepy cemetary, a small hut was located

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Somewhere, near a creepy cemetary, a small hut was located.

A man lived in that hut. Currently, the man is wide awake and is working on something when he feels and hears the wind chimes making a trickling sound as they touch each other.

The man looks at his right side and observes that wind chimes are swinging with air. But the windows are closed.

The man was in his kitchen. He walks to the window and opens it. The man looked outside and finds the cemetary weirder than usual. It was all foggy outisde.

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