Chapter 7

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Author Pov

Yibo opened the door to Wei Ying's room. Actually Xiao Zhan. He walked inside as his eyes stared at his love. Who was sleeping peacefully like an angel. But the bruices on his face and the darkness his face had made Yibo's heart twist painfully.

He walked towards the bed and stood infront of it. Staring at his face, Yibo's eyes turned watery with a painful frown.

~ Flashback 1 ~

Yibo finished his speech and walked towards the carraige. He sat on it and the carraige drove away.

From behind, came a beautiful looking Zhan. He walked towards manager of the said University.

"Excuse me! Sir litsen please!"

The manager politely turned towards him.


"Uh. That. Mr. Wang Yibo?"

"Sorry miss. Mr. Wang Yibo had left just now. You have missed a few minutes."

He apologized.

Zhan's shoulders droop down as she sighed dejectively.

"He left? I thought, i'll get to hear his poem from his lips. Seems like i have to wait a little more."

He glanced at the manager who stared at him confusedly.

"Thank you."

~ Flashback ends ~

~ Flashback 2 ~

Yibo picked up a letter and stared at it. He looked out of the window with a content sweet smirk on his lips. The letter was written and sent by Xiao Zhan. Who was one of his admirers.

He sat down on his chair and began to write a reply to the letter.


Zhan worked as a violin teacher. He teached a 7 year old girl by visiting her house. He was currently there when a maid of the house walked towards him and handed him a letter.

"Is this letter for me??"

The maid smiled softly at her.

Zhan hurriedly opened the letter and read it. As he finished his eyes caought the name of the owner. Her eyes widened in pure shocked.

"Wang Yibo!"

He showed the letter to her student who comfusedly stared at him.

"Wang Yibo has sent me a letter! Wang Yibo! To me!"

He began to jump and squeal in pure joy and innocence.

"I can't believe Wang Yibo has sent me a letter. I'm the happiest!"

Adorable giggles left his lips.


And just like that. Both of them began to sent each other letters with beautiful stanzas of love poems. They used to confess each other their through the words which no one but only they could understand. Their love bloomed through the exchange of letter and they fell in love with each other.

Even though, they had not seen each other. But their words were enough for both of them to describe ones personality. And this had increased their love more.

On one side, Yibo used to read letters sent by Zhan and smiled. While on the other hand, Zhan used to smile shyly as he read Yibo's letters.

But one day.

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