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───── ❝ MOMENT ❞ ─────

This moment will only happen now and never again


"Oioioi, looks like someone didn't get much sleep last night!" Baji's voice caught your attention just as you let out an unfiltered yawn. You stopped in your tracks and looked at them as you wiped a tear away from your eye. "Hiya!" Baji gave you a small wave while Chifuyu bowed as always.

You dropped your head as a greeting before turning and matching their steps. You did in fact not sleep a wink last night...

Okay, over-exaggeration. You slept a good couple of hours, but that was most definitely not enough. You were barely able to keep yourself awake with a full night of rest. The two hours you got last night are not gonna last throughout the day.

And why did you stay up again after telling yourself you were not going to do that anymore? One word.


You should have expected her to reply right away when you sent the message, but the poor girl kept you up all night talking about it. You planned on just going to sleep after ten minutes of constantly messaging her but you would've felt bad for just leaving her after messaging her first about your situation. So, you toughed it out until she finally stopped replying and you figured she passed out from fatigue.

As the day passed by, everything felt like a blur. All you remembered was saying goodbye to Baji and Chifuyu, getting bombarded by Aiko and Hina, and now, you were in class, barely able to keep yourself awake as your teacher talked about who knows what.

You gazed over at Takemichi beside you and nearly let out a laugh. The boy was slumped over on his desk, mumbling something incoherent with a distressed look on his face. Exams were coming up and he looks as prepared as he always does - which is not.

Just as you were about to poke fun at him, ruckus from outside made you, and everyone else in your class, pause.

"What school you bastards from?!"

"Get the hell out before I make you!"

You and Takemichi exchanged glances before looking at the front door that was now sliding open to reveal...

"Mikey?!" Takemichi nearly tipped over his chair over how fast he stood up.

"There he is!" The short blond exclaimed, waving towards the boy next to you. Behind him, Draken leaned on the door. When he saw you, he smirked and gave you a nod, which you returned, albeit confused. Mikey casually strolled into class, ignoring the teacher's protest, "Come play with us, Takemicchi!"

You raised a brow and looked at the boy next to you. His mouth could've touched the floor with how low his jaw was hanging. You then turned your gaze back to Mikey and flinched when you noticed he was already looking at you, a gentle smile on his face. You frowned and looked away.

From behind, you could hear the scoot of a chair and footsteps that quickly faded away as they got further and further. When you finally decided to look back, Takemichi, Mikey and Draken were all gone, leaving your entire class and teacher confused at what had just happened.

Reluctantly, your teacher went back to teaching as if one of his students didn't just get 'kidnapped'. You tried listening to whatever he was talking about, but an uneasy feeling settled over you. Soon enough, you pushed your chair and packed your things. Usually you'd be nervous at all the eyes on you but something felt more important right now. "[surname]-san?"

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