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───── ❝ THE STORM ❞ ─────

I'm sorry, Aiko-chan...


After walking around in the muddy forest for a while, you spotted a lone girl standing under a tree for protection under the rain. Upon closer look, you recognized her as the final piece to your trio, Tachibana Hinata. "Oh, Hina-chan!" You called out to the girl, getting her attention.

You and Aiko quickly approached Hina and you brought her under your umbrella. "[name]-chan, Aiko-chan... thank goodness you're here..." Your eyes widened as you notice her lips tremble.

"What's wrong?" You questioned, squeezing her shoulder as Aiko embraced her in a hug.

"Take- Takemichi-kun... he..." Hina was unable to continue her sentence as she let out a sob, falling into Aiko's arms.

"Takemichi-kun... is he okay?" Aiko questioned, shaking eyes looking up at you.

Hina shook her head, "I- I don't know what happened but I just found him tied and beat up... I think it's something about Toman. He left and -"

"Where did he go?" Your eyes were wide as you dropped your umbrella, grabbing Hina by the shoulders and scaring the two girls with you.

The pinkette was scared under your gaze, and she pointed, "I saw him and another guy run that way... they seemed to be in a rush..."

Your heart pounded at the news. You let go of Hina and mumbled out an apology before looking at them with a stern look. "Please get somewhere safe. I don't think whatever it is that's happening could be any good." You picked up your previously dropped umbrella and handed it to Hina.

"What about you? What are you going to do?" Hina questioned.

You looked over to Aiko and she frowned. "Don't tell me you're going after them after finding out what just happened..."

You could only send her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry... please get to somewhere safe." You took one last glance at Aiko, "I won't get hurt. I promised you, remember?"

Before she could even protest, you had already turned around and followed the direction in which Hina pointed you towards. The rain felt like bullets as it hit your skin and the coldness seeping within you was torturous, but it was all outweighed by your heavily beating heart. I knew it... those guys meant trouble. And if what they said is true, Kenny is in danger right now!

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you found yourself at the back parking lot of Musashi Shrine and judging by the amount of people there, you knew you were at the right place.

"Emma-chan!" You called out, running towards the girl and quickly holding her in an embrace before looking at the scene in front of you. Draken, Takemichi and Mitsuya stood in front of you two, facing dozens of men in white uniforms. A man in black, who you recognized as a guy named "Peh-yan" stood with them. Wait a minute... isn't he part of Toman?

"[name]-chan, please get out of here. It's dangerous!" Emma returned your hug but pleaded, looking at you with desperate eyes.

You looked at the scene in front of you, unable to tear your eyes away as the males yelled at each other, "Emma-chan, I have to help my friends."

"But what can you do?!" Emma asked, pulling you back as you tried to make your way to them. You were about to retaliate when you realized that she was right. What can you do? You don't know how to fight, much less throw a punch that won't end up breaking your fingers more than it would damage the receiver of your attack.

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