| Chapter 2 |

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Monday, 3 days after their break up and also 3 days since Felix has been on my ass the whole time. There isn't an hour where he isn't texting me, asking what I'm doing or not doing for that matter. He even texts me at night. A few days ago I would have been crying out of happiness, but now it just makes me feel weird and used. But there is nothing I can do about it..

(Text image lol)

Almost 10 minutes later I arrive in front of our school. Just like I suspected Felix is still standing in front of the building, waiting for me. The second the blond haired boy sees me, he jumps up and runs to me, into my arms. My heart skips a beat with the sudden touch between us. As a small blush creeps onto my cheeks, he excitedly grabs my hand and pulls me inside, to our classroom. While walking through the halls, I can feel multiple eyes staring at us, more particularly our hands, that are still holding onto each other.
I like his warmth. I like it a lot actually.

Entering the classroom, we approach our friends. When Chan sees our hands, fingers intertwined, he gives me a sorry smile. He's the only one who know about the feelings I have for Felix. Guess I'm just too obvious sometimes, but not obvious enough for Felix to notice..

As we stand there Felix chats with the other cheerfully, when he eventually lets go of my hand. Embarrassed I look down, first at his hand and then at mine. With every second his warmth leaves my hand, making me want to hold his hand again and again. Slowly I touch the still want places with my other hand, when the classroom door opens again. My eyes widen. Without hesitation Felix grabs my arm, hiding behind me, as if hiding would make it untrue. Annoyed I try to steal a glimpse of him, before turning back to his ex, who gives me a cheeky grin, before sitting down on her seat, with her new boytoy by her side.
"Felix, it's okay", I try to calm him down, until I hear his small sobs.
Immediately Chan and I exchange looks.
"Take care", he says, before shoving the crying boy and me out of the classroom.
"Where are we going?", He asks, whipping the tears away quickly.
"Home. It's too soon for her to face you", I explain briefly, making him look confused.
"But.. maybe she'll see that she needs me just like I need her!"
The hope in his voice makes me feel like crying, but it's not the time cry. Right now I need to be strong, for him and myself.
"I don't need to go home", Felix tries to protest, which mostly doesn't face me, until he says that particular thing, "I only need her!"
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, I don't need anyone else!"
Hearing him day it with so much confidence, after he used my shoulder to cry on for the past few days, is such a slap in the face.
"Fine", is the only thing I can let out, before walking off without him.

After the Break up | Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now