With puffy eyes I lay on my bed, wearing my comfort jacket, being wrapped into my favourite blanket, watching one of the movies Felix and I would always watch.
His words keep replaying in my head like one of these old record players that keep on going back to the same part.
"He doesn't need me.."(Author's point of view)
Like usual Felix walks his way to school by himself, waiting for y/n to come. When she doesn't, the blond boy shoots her text like he always does. To his surprise she immediately reads, but doesn't answer. In respond to that he texts her again with the same result. Originally he wants to text her a fourth time, when Chan approaches him.
"Hey Felix", he greets the annoyed boy, "What's up?"
With a sigh Felix turns his phone to his friend: "She's not responding.."
"Oh that's unusual. Did something happen between you guys?"
Like usual Chan asks the right questions and like always Felix confirms his suspension.
"Okay, what did you do?", The brown haired boy raises an eyebrow, waiting for Felix to respond.
"Well. She was taking me home and then...."
Still hesitating Felix answers: "I told her I didn't need her."
As Felix tries to hide his obvious guilt, his friend can not do anything else than shake his head.
"Maybe give her some time? After what you said she'll really need it."(Y/n point of view)
Everytime my phone lights up and I see it's Felix I can't help but feel hopeful. Honestly I hate it. I want him to stop, but he doesn't. He keeps on texting me, even tho I'm not responding at all..
(Text image)
Frustrated I let myself fall onto my bed, when my mother knocks on the door.
"Can I come in, Y/n?"
"Yeah sure."
Slowly she opens the door and closes it, before sitting down beside me.
"I know something happened between you and Felix. You wanna talk about it?", She gives me a warm smile, offering her arm. Defended I sit up and put my head on her shoulder.
"I told you about their break up, right?"
She nods.
"Well, yesterday she entered the classroom with a new guy. Felix was basically breaking down, so I decided it would be best if he goes home. We were on our way, when he said he didn't need me and that he only needed her."
"That's why you didn't want to go to school?"
Slowly I nod: "I can't face him. He's been even blowing up my phone the whole day.."
Without adding anything I hand her my phone. After she read our chat, she gives me a serious look.
"If he hurt you that much and doesn't even apologize, maybe staying at a distance might be the best idea?"
"But I don't wanna lose him.. I can't lose him."
"Y/n. If he really cares about you, then you will not lose him and if you end up losing him, then you know you did the right thing."
Unsure I take a second to actually think about what she just said.
"Yeah. Maybe you're right.."

After the Break up | Lee Felix
FanfictionYn and Felix have been best friends for a long time. After Felix and his girlfriend break up things are bound to change.