Chapter 2

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Lewa tried to steady her breathing as she got up and made an attempt to see who the person was that had bumped into her, when she was met with a pair of cold green eyes. She tried not to dwell on the fact that the man hadn't even tried to help her up or prevent her fall.

She swallowed when she realized where his gaze was focused on. She looked to her left hand and quickly extended the wallet to him.

"If you wanted my business card, all you had to do was ask." He finally spoke before meeting her gaze. And Lewa noticed the smirk that appeared on his face the moment his words were out. Trying to control how annoyed she was feeling, she pushed the wallet in his hand and turned around without another word. She heard that same snickering behind her, and closed her eyes briefly to avoid saying something she would regret before reaching where Nicole was standing behind the counter.

"No way. Lewa, don't tell me you don't know who that was."

"What?" Lewa asked in a frustratingly low voice as if what Nicole was saying was utter gibberish.

Nicole began fanning herself with her hand, and Lewa thought she was going crazy.

"First off, that's Dr. Clark. Nicklaus Clark, our Organic Chemistry professor this semester that's beginning on Monday."


Lewa rolled to her right side on her bed, her mind going back to what Nicole had said at the restaurant on Friday.

"Come on, don't tell me you've never seen that man before." Nicole had said; and the way she'd said it just made Lewa all the more annoyed.

"No, I haven't. And why do you sound like he is someone I really need to have met before today?" Lewa asked. If truth be told, she hadn't even done her research on her professors for this new semester like she would normally do. She'd just been busy doing so much overtime at work that she didn't have the time to research her professors. So she hadn't seen the said professor, or at least she didn't remember if she had.

Nicole had just stared at her in disbelief.

"Of course! I mean, everyone knows Dr. Clark. He is ruthless, Lewa, and his class is tough. Most people end up dropping his class after the first day, so I heard."

Lewa had just shrugged. She had never dropped a class before, and this Dr. Clark or whatever his name was, wasn't going to make her break that rule. She planned on taking all her classes when she was supposed to take them, and just graduating at the time she was supposed to graduate. Before she could respond to Nicole, Gina had returned from her break.

"What did I miss? Did Lewa put somebody else in their place?" She asked, the amusement in her tone. Lewa had just busied herself with getting another napkin for the table when Nicole had spoken up.

"Yes, she bumped into Dr. Clark from our university. Hot and ruthless Dr. Clark who we have for Organic Chemistry this semester."

"Ouuh, why didn't anybody come and get me? Damn!"

At that moment, Nicole had laughed. And Lewa had just excused herself to go continue cleaning the table.

She pushed the memory to the back of her head as she got up to go get some water. She knew she had to get some good sleep if she was going to be ready for her first day of school in the morning.

She was catching her breath by the time she made it to the foot of the stairs of the two-bedroom house she shared with her mother. When she got to the kitchen, she was surprised to see her mother already there leaning against the counter with a cup in her hand.

"Mom? Are you okay?" She asked.

Adeola turned to her daughter and smiled at her. And Lewa could see the fine lines on her face along with her hanging eyelids. She didn't need anyone to tell her that the older woman was worn out.

{re-written} Awẹ́lẹ́wà (Most Beautiful) ✓ An enemies to lovers BWWM romance Where stories live. Discover now