Chapter 9

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Lewa had not hooked her seatbelt on before Gina started speaking as she pulled out of Lewa's house. It'd been an hour since she left work early.

"How are you feeling today?" She asked Lewa who shook her head.

"I'm feeling a lot better. Girl, why are you in such a hurry? It's only 3:30pm."

Gina couldn't stop smiling as she glanced briefly at Lewa before focusing back on the road.

"And why are you smiling like that?" Lewa made a face.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling a lot better now. But guess who showed up at the restaurant today?"

Lewa relaxed back in the passenger seat. "I don't know, who?"

"Hmph, you are no fun. Mr. Hotshot. Well, your Mr. Hotshot. He came with his best friend this time."

"Dr. Kent?"

"Yes. And he is hot."  

Lewa turned to face her, but Gina continued, "But that's not even what I was going to tell you. Your man asked about you, too. You should have seen his face when he did, girl. I swear that man is annoying."

Lewa swallowed a lump and rolled her eyes.

"I told you I don't like it when you refer to him like that. He is not my man, Gina, please stop saying that."

As soon as she came to a stop at a red light, Gina turned to Lewa. "Okay, okay, I'll try to remember that. But seriously, girl, I think that man has the hots for you."

Lewa almost puked on the bottle of water she'd brought out of her purse to drink as soon as Gina's words were out.

"Why? Because he asked about me?"

"Yes, duh! He didn't see you at work so he asked. Come on, he's showing clear signs. I know these things."

Lewa scoffed. "I don't work everyday so it's totally normal that I wasn't there."

"But you work on weekends." Gina said before the lights turned green again.

"He doesn't know that." Lewa argued.

"Oh, but he noticed you weren't in today. Come on, girl."

Lewa turned to face her again. "Can we please stop talking about Dr. Clark already?"

"Okay, fine."

"Thank you." Lewa said before pulling out her phone.

A few minutes passed before Gina asked, her eyes still focused on the road. "Are you sure we are going to the right place?"

"Yes, I was there last week, remember?"

"Yes, but you said they moved not too long ago." Gina said as she took another right turn.

"Right, but I've been to their new place." Lewa answered, and then added, "Oh I forgot to tell you, Nicole would be joining us."

"What?!" Gina exclaimed, almost hitting the curb. And Lewa had to hold on to the car seat.

"I'm sorry but why is she joining us? And why didn't you tell me earlier?" Gina asked, not hiding how annoyed she was feeling.

Lewa sighed and turned to face her again. "Because it was last minute when she called to know how I was feeling, and then asked what I had planned. I told her and she asked if she could join us after work." Lewa explained, to which Gina rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Come on, it's going to be so much fun with her joining us today. Did you know it's going to be her first time at an orphanage?" Lewa asked, smiling, as she opened the passenger door and stepped out. She released a satisfied sigh as she soaked up the heat from the sunlight.

{re-written} Awẹ́lẹ́wà (Most Beautiful) ✓ An enemies to lovers BWWM romance Where stories live. Discover now