Chapter 4

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Before Dr. Clark could reach where the ladies were standing, Lewa had already quickly taken the few remaining steps towards the classroom, leaving Nicole behind. She would much rather not be in that man's presence and make him think he was having some kind of effect on her.

A few seconds later, Nicole joined her in the classroom as she sat next to her in the front row.

"Why did you leave me like that?" Nicole asked as they all began waiting for their professor.

Lewa wondered why he was wasting time outside when he could get in and start teaching his class. God, she hated his stupid arrogance!

She turned to face Nicole. "Because we were almost late for class."

Nicole made a face. "Pfft. Girl, you need to have a little fun. He was practically gazing at you the whole time he was walking towards us!"

As soon as the words were out, Lewa's eyes widened and she stole a quick glance around where she sat with Nicole, making sure no one was listening to them talk.

"Tune it down a little, would you?" She said quietly. And Nicole just rolled her eyes.

"I don't know why you're acting this way. That man is hot -"

"And it's shameless that you and Gina keep mentioning that. Is that the only thing that matters to you both?" Lewa shot at her. 

And Nicole just made a face and turned away from her. Lewa rolled her eyes and began to bring out her book when the door pushed open and Dr. Clark walked in.

"About time." Lewa muttered to herself.


Nicklaus hated this feeling.

The feeling of not knowing. The feeling of not being able to figure it out. He knew women, and he'd been able to figure out their intent. And he knew, it wasn't above petty manipulations. One experience was enough to make him aware. 

As he continued teaching, walking around the classroom and making sure he had his students' attention, he was trying hard to not stare at her for longer than was deemed normal. He released another puff of air from his mouth the moment her eyes met his. That fire in them was driving him insane. He needed to do something about this mystery.

And the earlier he did, the earlier he could put a stop to whatever it was about her.

When he returned to the front of the classroom and leaned against the lab desk at the center of the room, a thought hit him. 

He scoffed lightly to himself when he looked in her direction only to find that her gaze was now focused on the notebook in front of her.

"Miss Ade," He called out. And he had to suppress the amusement he could already feel when she looked up almost startled.

"Yes, sir." She said.

"Please help us work out the first Aldehyde reaction."

Of course he should have thought about this before now. Calling out his students to the front of the classroom was something he was known for. Aside from making sure they understood the subject matter with confidence, he also knew that it was his way of getting a feel for their response to pressure. 

He just needed to know. And he cursed at this desperate act.

He made a face when it looked like she wasn't getting up yet.


Although Lewa had done her quick research after her first class on Monday; and she'd found that Dr. Clark had a habit of calling his students to the front of the classroom, she wasn't expecting him to call her out today. In fact, she wasn't expecting him to call her out at all. She released a deep sigh when she looked up to find him motioning with his face for her to get up.

{re-written} Awẹ́lẹ́wà (Most Beautiful) ✓ An enemies to lovers BWWM romance Where stories live. Discover now