Chapter 11

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"Okay, start talking. I want all the details."

"What are you? An investigator?" Lewa asked, her head resting on the passenger side window, staring ahead at nothing in particular.

"Lewa," Gina continued, "You've gotta admit that I have been loyal to you since we've been best friends."

Lewa nodded. She was right about that.

"Right. What are you trying to say?" Lewa asked, staring at her from the corner of her eye.

Gina sighed and continued, with one hand now resting on the steering wheel, and her right hand in sync with her lips. "I'm saying I won't tell."

"There's nothing to tell." Lewa said before turning completely to face her.

"Then why were you looking all flustered like you guys kissed or something?" Gina asked and then glanced at her friend briefly.

"Did you?"

"No!" Lewa yelled out, not trying to think about the fact that they'd held hands.

"So what happened? Come on, there's gotta be something, Lewa. I know you that much."

Lewa sighed and rolled her eyes as Gina came to a stop at a red light.

"Okay, we fell down flat on the bouncing castle, and I was unintentionally on top of him." She said, watching as Gina squealed in excitement. And Lewa's face scrunched up in irritation.

"Oh em gee, that means you guys nearly kissed." Gina said, slowly emphasizing the last two words.

Lewa shot her a glare. "I didn't say that."

Where did she get that from?

"Well, it would have happened if not for certain circumstances." Gina argued.

"Okay, Gina." Lewa relaxed back on the seat, already feeling exhausted by the time she finished telling Gina what she wanted to tell her. But Gina wasn't done.

"So what's next?"

"Nothing, G. Drop it."

"Okay, okay, for now I will."

Lewa released a sigh and shook her head.

"No but seriously I think that professor of yours might have a thing -"

"Gina!" Lewa cut her off.

"Okay I'm done -"

Lewa glanced at her.

"- For now." Gina added as she started back on the road.

"My goodness, I dislike you sometimes, girl."

"I know, but I can't help it."

"Come to think of it," Lewa faced her again, her arms folded in front of her, "What were you doing with Dr. Kent?"

Gina cleared her throat. "Oh we were just talking. He's really cool."


"What?!" Gina briefly glanced at Lewa, both hands now resting on the steering wheel.

"Spill." Lewa said, raising a brow.

"Okay, I think he's attractive." Gina confessed, biting her lower lip.

"Gina, he is a professor."

"So? Aren't professors allowed to be attractive? Besides, he is not a professor at my school. And chill, I wasn't saying I planned to date him now."


Gina laughed and then shrugged, "Maybe in the future. He's a potential, for sure."

Lewa shook her head. "What about Jason?"

{re-written} Awẹ́lẹ́wà (Most Beautiful) ✓ An enemies to lovers BWWM romance Where stories live. Discover now