Chapter 3- out of the house?

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Severus froze slightly hearing the question, his hand placed lightly on Harry's bum, patting gently and soothingly as he slept. "No. I am not fit to be a caregiver-.." he muttered, yes he had longed and yearned for a little to raise since he was classified, and that was over 20 years ago, but...could Harry really be his little? He had despised the boy for years,, he didn't want to leave his side, the child stayed clung to him tightly even as he slept.
Madam pomfrey sighed a bit, sitting on the chair beside the two. "Severus he has barely let me lay a hand on him, he hasn't let go of you once, and seemingly , he doesn't want too, either. He trusts you. Dumbledore will be here soon, he wants to speak with you about who will take care of the child...I've put you forward." She spoke, now she ended up arguing with Severus for a while, before glancing, seeing Dumbledore walk in, smiling.
After a short Harry began to whine as he awoke, laid snuggled closely into Severus' chest, stretching a bit sleepily, his eyes half lidded, confused as to why he had such a strong urge to suckle on his thumb, and why he was laid on such a comfortable pillow. It took him a few Moments for him to slowly wake, and for him to realise that 'comfortable pillow' was his professor, he instantly scrambled upward, sitting in his bed embarrassingly, before whimpering, it didn't take long for him to realise he had wet his nappy, going bright red.

Snape sighed, gently rubbing the child's back. "Harry, calm down. It's okay your safe." Now Snape was acutely aware of the boys accident, but he didn't want to humiliate him, especially around his peers and teachers.
Harry sniffled a bit and nodded, keeping himself hidden under the blankets, just utterly humiliated that he had wet himself, yet he wouldn't dare mention it to anyone in the room.
Dumbledore smiled widely at the boy, cooing softly. "Hello there Harry, we have decided on a permanent caregiver for you after much deliberation, we can get you out of the hospital today, with Severus."
Snape smiled lightly, scratching the back of his hand slightly nervously. "If you'll have me of course, we can always find you another caregiver if you don't want me. But you have to know I won't be soft Harry. If you need to be punished you'll be punished, but you'll be cared for too. Do you understand?"

Harry sat there for a few moments, unsure
Of how to process this situation, Snape had been nothing but cruel to him all throughout his time at Hogwarts, but the last day...he was so kind, trustworthy. He spent a while just silently thinking to himself, before cautiously nodding, he didn't plan on staying anyway, he planned to run away once he was out of the hospital.
Severus nodded slightly awkwardly, his hands still rested on the boy. "Come now then Harry, let's get you home."


Harry sat a little awkwardly as he was carried by Severus , with the aid of a weightless charm, to his new 'home' , whining quietly as the cold wet nappy pressed against his bum, leaving him with an already red raw rash.
Severus noticed this, patting his back gently and cooing lightly. "Shhh, I'll change you when we get home I promise, I didn't think you'd want to be changed while Dumbledore was present. I know you think very highly of him Harry."
The small boy nodded, rubbing his teary eyes, leaning closely into Severus. "Where does we
Live?" He spoke quietly, his mental age decreasing even more, it already becoming prominent in his speech.
"In the dungeons Harry, if that's okay with you?"
The child nodded lightly, leaning into him slightly. After around 10 minutes of walking he heard Severus whisper something in parseltongue, he intently listened, yet he didn't seem to understand it this time. Now when they walked in this was not what Harry had expected, he expected a dingy old Room, dirty mattresses, no bedsheets. Yet this was far from the truth, I'm actuality the room was a comfortably warm temperature, a fire lit, a large velvet sofa in the middle of the room, decorated with two photos upon the mantle , a photo of Lilly , and a photo of him and lily together, it was a very old photo, Snape appeared to be no older than 15, the photos were enchanted, replaying with the same smiles and laughter along with a small bouquet of flowers, the living room led off to the kitchen and from there sat 4 rooms, 2 sat on each side of the corridor. He watched closely as Severus took him into the first door on the left, he was
Laid down on a cold rubber mat, causing him to whine and arch his back.

Severus cooed slightly, rubbing his stomach to gently ease him back down onto the cold Mat, picking up a clean nappy, littered with kitty paw prints, humming lightly to himself as he changed the embarrassed child, smiling a little lightly, lifting him to stand once again. "There Harry, all better now, you do have a bit of a rash though, can you behave by yourself for an hour or so while I make a potion for you?"
Harry nodded quickly at this moment , planning on using it to make his escape, though yelped once again as he was lifted, whining as his rash was irritated by his new caregivers hand.

The Ravenette glanced down slightly at the whimpering boy. "Oh I am sorry Harry, it'll all be okay soon I promise," he spoke, Spending a few minutes soothing the now child, before setting him  down in a foldable playpen he had set up just in the hallway, so He could keep an eye on the child when he needed too.

Harry was incredibly bored sat in his playpen, he had been in there for around 45 minutes, and he had a low attention span, he was just so bored, sitting his chin on the playpen frame and trying to swing himself out, yet it was too tall for him to climb over, yet with a jump he had one leg hung over the wood and the other dangling off the ground.
Severus coughed slightly as the potion let off a light fume, taking his minutely glance over to the boy, swiftly putting down his chemical apparatus and lifting the boy. "Harry I know your bored, but you have your toys in your pen, why don't you play with them? I know they may not be the toys you like though, we can always go out for some toys and clothes? I think we may need too soon."
Harry just whined and wiggled about, he was antsy, sore, and bored out of his little mind.

Severus sighed lightly, rubbing the bridge of his nose before glancing down at the boy in his arms, laughing lightly to himself at how young the boy was acting already, assuming he was going to be a young little st that. "And maybe some better rash cream." He spoke, placing the child down, conjuring up his robe with his wand, wrapping himself in it, along with his signature slytherin scarf. He crouched down to Harry and then wrapped him in almost matching overcoats, followed by a smaller scarf.
"Come now Harry, let's go to diagon alley."

Hii! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Lmk if I should continue writing! It gives me
More inspiration!

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