Chapter 27- My baby..

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It was very early on a Sunday morning, Severus was sat up in bed, Harry on one side and Draco on the other, both boys heads rested in his lap. The ravenette had been awoken abruptly by a phone call from a child welfare officer, Lucius was out of Azkaban, and had been given full custody of Draco, all within the early hours of the morn. Now, Severus had known of this case, it had been going on for months, but in his mind it seemed utterly ridiculous. Lucius had killed hundreds if not thousands, he was a death eater through and through, and still believed in those ideals. And now, he was told his baby was being taken from him? He had of course immediately appealed this to the ministry, but as he sat there, in complete and utter disbelief, stroking his baby's blonde hair, he felt like his heart had been ripped in two.

Draco was his baby, he adored every morning he'd wake up to find him snuggled up under the blankets, or in the living room in the early hours playing with Harry, or even when they'd cook together, when Draco would sit up on his daddy's hip and help stir and taste everything. All of it was being stolen, all because of the bias in the ministry. While Voldemort was defeated, there were thousands of death eaters within the ministry, and due to their high status within their jobs, they went essentially undetected. Now, Draco was a incredibly powerful wizard for his age, he'd had surpassed even some of his teachers in some subjects, all he knew of this case however, that they wanted Draco, and that terrified him.

Thousands of thoughts raced through his mind, what if they hurt his baby, what if they forced him to do unspeakable things, it made him feel sick to his stomach. But Severus refused to go down without a fight, so he immediately called Dumbledore and McGonagall, informing them of what he'd been told, they were there within a half hour.

Currently, Severus stood in the living room, he wore some loose fitting checkered pyjama bottoms and a warm fluffy jumper as he'd found his babies loved to snuggle with him while he wore it, and some small pink slippers, his face pale with a tinge of red, his eyebags were incredibly dark, and it almost looked as if he'd been crying , it was an incredibly rare thing for Severus to show this vulnerability, but he couldn't contain it at all, not with the fear of what could happen to his son.

McGonagall was first to comfort Severus, rushing to give him a tight hug, rubbing his back. "Severus sweetie, they can't take Draco, they just can't...we won't let them."
Dumbledore gave a soft nod. "We will not let them take little Draco, I assure you. That man is cruel and evil, I will contact the ministry, this must be a mistake.." he mumbled the last part to himself as he walked off, phone in hand.

Severus clung onto minerva tightly as he just began to sniffle into her shoulder. "You don't understand he is my baby boy, my little baby-...i don't can they let this happen.." he just whimpered out whilst clinging onto minerva desperately.
The sounds of Severus very quiet cries were broke by the pitter patter of little footsteps, and whimpers of a child . Draco stood in the doorway, his lip quivering as he held onto his stuffie tightly , dummy fixed comfortably between his lips. "Daddy?.." he whimpered, just rushing to him immediately, while he was small he was incredibly empathetic, if someone else was crying, it would leave Draco in tears.

Severus' heart broke as he tried to wipe his eyes, he knew it was too late and his baby had already seen so he crouched down to scoop him up and hug him so tightly, softly crying as he kissed his head. "Baby...come on let's go into daddy's room, I need to talk to you okay?..." he tried his best to keep his composure, the last thing he wanted was for his baby to see him a blubbering mess.
Draco whimpered a little and clung to his daddy as he sniffled a little bit, being so small this morning he was very very sensitive, and terrified he'd done something wrong, something to upset and hurt his daddy.

Severus took a shaky intake of breath as he looked down at his baby, thumbing at his cheek so gently as he sat him down on his lap. "Sweetie, I want you to listen very closely to me...your father has been let out of Azkaban by the ministry, and has been deemed full custody of you know what that means Draco ?..."
Draco immediately felt his tiny heart sink to the bottom of his stomach just hearing his father's name, it petrified him to his core, being in such a young mind space he didn't know what these big words meant, and that terrified him more.

Severus took another shaky breath to stop himself from completely breaking down , wiping a few small droplets of water away from his eyes. "Honey...the ministry are taking you away from me, and you are going to live with your father ... I-i am trying to fix the problem, so is Minerva and Albus , but I can't promise you anything baby...I'm sorry..."
Draco instantly pulled out of his regression as he began to panic. "N-No...your cant be serious, you can't send me back ... he can't take know what he's like, h-he'll do so much worse-...please dad you can't let him take me..." he whimpered, tears streaming down his pink cheeks as he just sobbed.
"I-I'm sorry baby I am so so sorry-.." he whispered as he pulled him tight in his arms, he felt like a failure as a father, but there was truly nothing he could do, it was so far out of his jurisdiction, the only thing he could do was appeal it with the courts and pray that his baby could come home.

As Draco began to sob into his dads chest as he heard the door open, and when he heard the voice of his father he just began to cry even more, begging and pleading with Severus not to let him take him, but when Lucius walked into the room, there was no going back.
The older blonde walked over and grabbed Draco by his wrist, dragging him to his side. "Try and get him, and I will kill him, and filthy potter. Hear me? Both of them will die."

Severus softly cried out with an inwards sob, he was desperate to contain himself as he shook his head, rushing to his baby's side in a panic, he couldn't loose him, he couldn't live with himself if he just let it happen. "No! This is all happening too fast I-I need more time!!! Please! Lucius have a heart!!" He cried out in exasperation.

Within seconds Lucius was pulling his wand out and aiming it at the still sleeping ravenette. "Do anything Severus, and he is gone."
Draco whimpered he wiped his puffy eyes, reaching to give his dad one more hug. "I-I'll be okay dad-...l-look after Harry...give him a cuddle from his big brother when he wakes up, I'll see you s-" and without even being able to finish his sentence, Lucius was mumbling under his breath, rolling his eyes as he apparated the two away without warning.

The older man just stood there, before he sat on his knees and weeped. He wept for his baby, not being able to hold him , to kiss him. He wept in fear for his child , of the unspeakable things he knew Lucius was
Capable of, holding his head in his hands.
Minerva rushed in seconds after , she felt sick to her stomach as she no longer saw Lucius, or Draco. "H-He's not taken him yet-...surely not.."
Severus shook his head as he croaked out a soft, broken sob. "He's baby .. I-.." , he was taken from him, and there was nothing he could do. If he went after Lucius, not only would he risk his own life, but also Harry's and Draco's, and the courts seemed to ignore every plea.
Severus was never an emotional man, he could count on his hands how much he'd cried in his lifetime, he'd not even cried this badly over Lilly, but this was different. This was his child, his son. He was ripped away from him with a snap of his fingers, he was a broken man.

Minerva sat on her knees and just pulled him close and incredibly tight. "..w-we'll get him back sev...I promise you.." she softly spoke.

Okay guys what do you think about a mini chapter after this of Severus regressing? Just really as a one off sorta thing!! Looking for opinions b4 I write the next chapter! Also so sorry it's short!! I wanted to get a chapter out there!! Next one will be way longer I swear!!🩷🩷

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