Chapter 5- Bedtime <3

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Severus took a breath as he looked down at the tired boy on the changing mat, chuckling softly. "Oh your so tired aren't you dove, well it is definitely getting close to your bedtime, cmon. Let's get you in a nice clean nappy, get you a warm bottle of milk and daddy will read you a nice story book until you fall asleep okay? How does that sound?"
Harry nodded with a tired yawn  , he was just very exhausted from all the crying, the shopping and just being accustomed to his new life, blissfully unaware how his body was still changing, back to the state of a child of course, unaware that he really needed about 10 hours of sleep a day, including lots of naps, he was a very fussy little.

The tall ravenette laughed to himself, taping up the nappy and fixing his onesie back on him, he rested the small boy over his shoulder, supporting his bum with one hand  as he began to make his bottle, using his wand to do most of the work, heating it up and adding just a dash of vanilla extract, he found the boy much preferred the slight sweetness to the creamy milk. He looked down and gently took off his glasses, folding them up and placing them on the worktop for tomorrow, walking to Harry's nursery and sitting on the rocking chair, placing him in a Cradle position, bottle to his lips.
Harry made a soft hum noise as he let his little eyes shut, suckling on the bottle happily, he felt so safe in snapes arms, he truly loved him.

Severus sighed softly to the boy, he sat in an old wooden rocking chair, swinging back and forth at a steady pace with the small boy comfortably situated in his arms, he had a story book in one hand and his other hand patting the ravenettes bum, he found this very easily sent him to sleep and relaxed him a lot, though he frowned a bit, he was already on the 3rd story book and 2nd bottle and Harry still wouldn't allow himself to fully drift off. "Dove why are you forcing yourself awake? I know our day of playing and shopping has tired you out, why aren't you letting yourself relax?" He sighed quietly, genuinely worried as to why the boy wouldn't sleep.

Harry looked up at his caregiver through his long lashes, whimpering a bit. "C-Cuz i wants to stay wif daddy..." he frowned, looking down as he chewed on his dummy shyly, nuzzling even closer to the taller male, If even possible. Now he had suffered a lot with abandonment issues, he felt like his parents abandoned him, and especially the dursleys, they would leave him days at a time, alone; scared, he never knew If they were ever going to come back and that fear shook him to his core with snape, this man felt like the first to ever love him, he felt safe and happy in his arms and he didn't want to loose that.
Severus bit his lip as he looked at the crib, it eas very old fashioned, he did think that might not exactly be helping, making a mental note of replacing the crib."Harry I will let you off tonight okay? Why don't you sleep in daddy's bed tonight, will that help you feel better Mm? That way daddy will be right there with you the whole time, but only for tonight alright?" He gave him a small smile, caressing his cheek and grazing a gentle fingertip along his scar.
Harry very rapidly nodded and held tightly onto his father, nuzzled closely as he felt him stand up.

Harry tucked milo and his blanket closely under his neck, suckling on his dummy. He let out a hum of contentment as he was laid on his daddies bed, he stretched his arms out like a starfish and shrieked with excitement as snape laid beside him, he instantly nuzzled into his arms, he much preferred his daddies bed, it smelt like him all the time and it just soothed him a lot, to the point he already shut his eyes.
Severus let out a soft content hum as he held his son close to his chest. "Goodnight sweet pea, daddy loves you."


Now Severus woke up quite abruptly that night, to see his son, crying, quivering and scratching at his skin, he could see blood all over the bedsheets and the small boys hands. He yelped a bit and very quickly turned the lights on, sitting Harry upwards in his lap. "Deep breaths, in and out baby, your such a brave little one."
Harry loudly sobbed and practically gasped for air at every breath, he had had a very severe nightmare about his previous home, abs he was frightened, terrified even, he just wanted to feel better and okay, he hadn't had a nightmare like this in a long long time.
Snake stood up, holding Harry in his arms and patting his bum gently, walking around in an attempt to soothe him, he just wanted to take away his pain and his hurt , making a silent mental note of trying to schedule him some therapy.

Harry cried for a long time, about 20 minutes, though from how exhausted he was and how much mental pain he was in, he ended up crying himself to sleep, sniffling and curling into his dad as he tucked him back into bed, managing to sleep through the rest of the night.

Hiiii!! I am so so sorry I haven't updated this in so long!! So much has happened over the past month but I promise I will try and update as much as I can but they won't be regular, my apologies ! Thank you so much for nearly 2k reads its so exciting!!!! <3
Have a wonderful day!

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