Chapter 7- yucky days :(

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Harry audibly whined as his daddy held him up, the hand supporting his bum just smeared his accident even worse, the rash didn't help, just causing him to burst out into loud sobs as he tried to wiggle out of the taller ravenettes arms. "Off! Off!!" He sobbed out, he was really starting to panic, causing him to drop milo in all the commotion, not realising he had done so. Now back when he stayed with the dursleys, they would quite often spank him, even before he was classified he would wet the bed, causing these punishments, and the harsh stinging of his accident on his sensitive skin almost sent him back to the mindset, his voice breaking and quivering as he managed to get out of Severus' arms, making a break for it, just running, he didn't stop running for second. He eventually found himself in the room of requirement, curling up on the mattress in there, trying to pull the filthy nappy away from his skin. As soon as he sat down he continued to try and pull off the nappy that felt stuck to his skin, though due to the spell put on it he couldn't, back when he was adjusting to loosing bladder and bowel control he would pull off his nappy, causing snape to put spells on them permanently so he couldn't take them off himself.
Now Harry simply laid there and cried, it hadn't really hit him on what happened until now, he had ran from his daddy, even though he did nothing wrong, and he hadn't even been away from him once the entire time he had been his caregiver, that sudden lack of comfort made him just panic even more, the poor boy started to hyperventilate, to shake, he really had no comfort left at all, not even milo.Due to the fact he had never really experienced a panic attack before he had no way to calm himself down, his breathing getting so bad he was sick, so he sat on a grotty mattress, in a filthy nappy, covered in sick, wailing out for Severus.

Now he didn't know how long he was in there for, he didn't even notice that the door opened. Though as he felt a gust of breeze he looked, seeing an almost worried Draco before him.
The blonde practically sprinted over.", something visibly in his hand. "Harry are you okay? What happened? The whole school is worried sick, your father is a mess. What happened are you alright!?"
Harry didn't know what to do or say, he really just needed comfort right now, even if it was from Draco. As he cried out he hugged the blonde as tightly as he could, his entire little body was shaking and he just about managed to plaster Draco in his sick, he just wanted someone to hold him and tell him it was gonna be okay.
Draco frowned, now ordinarily he would've been repulsed, but he really couldn't help but feel bad for the small crying child, standing up as he lifted the boy with him, rubbing his back gently. "Shhh Harry it's okay, poor need a bath huh, and a change." Draco gently tucked milo into the boys arms, rubbing the shaky child's back as he walked him back to Severus, he really felt awful for the state he was in, he had never seen him like that.
Harry whimpered and continued to cry, just a month ago he would have never even thought he'd be crying in Draco's arms, sat in a filthy nappy and covered in sick, what threw him off even more was that he was being nice, it truly made him think Draco wasn't as bad as he seemed.

Severus loudly gasped at the sight of his son, he sprinted over and scooped him from dracos arms, holding him tightly, now Severus was shaky himself, his voice shaking too, kissing his sons head. "Harry don't you dare pull a stunt like that again! We are so lucky Draco found you, do you know how big this school is?" Now he was really only mad because he cared, he couldn't bare to loose his son, Harry was the first person he had loved after Lilly, he lost her and he wasn't about to loose him. "Now cmon, let's just...let's get you home and we'll talk then okay? Thank you Draco, thank you so much. I am in your debt."
Draco awkwardly smiled and nodded as he left.
Harry tried to apologise to Severus, though from his hard he was crying he really couldn't speak, he was shaking and clinging onto his tightly, so afraid he was going to be spanked for running off.

Now as they got home Severus ran the boy a bath, frowning as he realised the state of his nappy. "Baby , you have to tell daddy when you have accidents, look, you've got a yucky rash, that wouldn't have happened if you told me honey." He sighed, wiping him up before gently laying him in the bath, using a cloth soaked with warm soapy water to clean him. "Now love, I need you to tell me what happened okay? I know you didn't just run away for no reason, and your not in trouble, I am disappointed that you ran but I understand you were going through something."
Harry sniffled, holding onto the ravenettes hand as tightly as he could. "Y-You was touchin da sore bits a-and I thought I was gunna get hit c-cuz I had an accident...s-sorry daddy...pleas dun spank I be good !.." he sniffled a bit, just starting to sob once again, he had been so afraid away from his comfort for that long.
Severus nodded and caressed his cheek, ever so gently wiping away the tears that sat on his rosy cheeks. "Oh baby, why didn't you tell me that I was hurting you? And know I would never ever hit you, you know that, your not in trouble." He frowned; rubbing his back as he softly sighed. "Now cmon, how about we get you in your pjs and a nice clean nappy, I'll put bluey on for you and we can look at what Draco gave you hm? I think you'll like it."
Harry softly nodded as he was lifted out of the tub by his dad, whining a bit at the cold rubber mat but complying, laying there as he was changed into a thicker nappy (to avoid rashes) and a fluffy babygrow to keep him warm. Once he was changed he happily toddled into the front room, laying on his tummy as he began to look at all the toys Draco had given him, incredibly excited noticing all the cat themed toys, he managed to pull his daddy down so he could sit on his lap, he just wanted to be close to his daddy, far too afraid he'd loose him again. He shrieked with excitement as he opened his toys, chewing on his dummy as he sat milo on his lap, petting his head as if he was a real cat. Starting to softly whine as he heard the noise of someone coming through the floo and his father getting up, he just wanted to snuggle with his daddy and cuddle his toys, not deal with people, he was so tired of being around people today. However when he heard his godfathers voice he got up in an instant, running to stand by his fathers side.

While standing behind Severus he really realised how small he had already gotten, he was less than up to Severus' hips. He wrapped his arms around his fathers sleeve and audibly whimpered, it really only just hit him that he could be here to disown Harry as his godson because he was little, his father abs his mother were alphas, he should've followed in their footsteps, not end up a little baby. He truly didn't know what his godfather would think of him in this state.
Sirius beamed widely as he crouched down to the boy. "Oh Harry , normally every time I see you , you get bigger and bigger. Your so cute and tiny now, I bet now I can get all my cuddles."He spoke softly, having received the letter of information about Harry's classification and his caregiver just minutes prior, he really wanted to reach out and scoop up the boy, just wanting to hug him and kiss his head, but not wanting to overwhelm him with it all at once, he knew this must be overwhelming .
Harry nodded shyly and whimpered, trying to hide behind Severus.
The ravenette chuckled quietly and lifted Harry up, patting his back. "Sorry, hes really shy at the moment, people haven't had the best reactions to him being little so we just gotta be very sensitive with him, your more than welcome to stay for a coffee before Harry goes to bed, I am sure he'd love to introduce you to his stuffies, but I am only letting you stay because your his godfather and your important to him. And your not to stay any later than 8pm, it'll throw Harry off his routine I just got him into."

Severus nodded with a smile, holding his hand out for Harry to take. "Cmon buddy, I'd love to meet your stuffies."
The small child looked up to Severus almost for reassurance that he could, after getting a warm smile and a gentle nod he took the much taller males hand, almost dragging him to the front room with him, ecstatic to show someone else his toys and names for them. He sat down on the floor with his legs crossed, introducing Sirius to each and every one of his toys, even playing with him for a little while, though at around half past 7 he wiggled his way to get comfortable in the males lap, stretching a little before curling up like a kitten, in seconds he was fast asleep, suckling on his dummy as he laid there.
Severus looked to his watch and smiled a bit. "He really trusts you, thank you for acting well. You don't even know how people have been treating him recently. Though I have the weasleys owling me just about every hour of every day, they treat Harry like their own but Harry really really doesn't want to see Ron, he was awful to him when he was classified.."

Sirius nodded, rubbing Harry's back. "You and me both. It's's nice to see Harry like this, I met him once as an infant and then again when he was around a teenager, I don't think I ever really saw him just, happy and childish without a care. You being his caregiver was the best choice I think the school could've made. Believe me , Harry stayed with me for a couple of weeks at one point; he is stubborn as fuck. Truly. We spent about a week arguing about his bedtime because he was staying up until 2am, honestly, it's just so nice to see him so well adjusted and comfortable. Your a really really great father to him sev." He smiled a bit, holding his godson close to him.
Severus felt a light blush on his cheek, not from being embarrassed he was just happy to hear he was treating his son right, that he was doing it right. "Honestly I don't have the biggest clue in the world still, I'm still learning so much everyday, and believe me , he isn't fully adjusted at all yet , it's definitely gonna take some time but I think we'll get there, he's just been so brave so far. I really am proud of him."

Now Severus and Sirius spent a long while catching up and really just catching up, though they mostly just spoke about Harry. As the brunette left, Severus took the small child and tucked him into bed, smiling warmly. "Goodnight baby boy, daddy loves you." He whispered before setting up the baby monitor, taking his corresponding piece to the bedroom with him as he fell asleep.

Hi guys ! This is deffo one of my longest chapters yet! If we can get up to 3k views I might see if I can do a 3k worded chapter!! <33 any suggestions for storyline? <3

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