Chapter 26- punishment troubles

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It was very very early on a Sunday morning, Severus was sound asleep in bed, Draco nestled up on his chest, however , Harry was not there with them. Harry, was stood on the kitchen side, he'd managed to get the cookie jar from the top. With a very wide grin he sat down, swinging his legs as he ate as many cookies as he could, however, Harry was very, very clumsy. So he slipped, falling off the counter and the glass cookie jar shattering beneath him, causing him to get glass, all over his hands. He immediately began to wail out in pain, his hands and legs bleeding.

Severus jolted out of bed, sat up and ran to the kitchen to find his baby bloody with glass all over the floor, he ran to him , he was barefoot and didn't care how much pain his feet were in, he picked Harry up, sat him on an alternate countertop and got the medkit out of the cupboard, using some sterile tweezers to pick out every piece of glass, wrapping his legs and hands as he cuddled him close. "Oh baby, baby shh....daddy's here now...what happened?"
"I sowwy!! I-I jus....i jus wa'ted cookie..." he softly sobbed, his little body shaking all over the place as he nestled closely into his arms, he was in a lot of pain, and he was so upset.
"Harry. You know you shouldn't do that, if you want a cookie; you can come and get daddy and I will get them for you, do you understand?" He spoke, lifting him up and carrying him to the living room, pulling glass out of his foot as he did.
"I-I sowwy!! I so sowwy!!...." He hiccuped, however, as Severus sat down, he felt himself being laid over his knee, tears streaming down his face as he felt his trousers being pulled down, he knew what was happening now.
"Harry, I'm going to have to give you a spanking. Only 5, I am going easy on you because I know you are hurt, alright?" He spoke, gently rubbing his bum as he spoke to him.
He hiccuped softly and nodded, tears streaming down his face as he sobbed into his daddy's knee, he was devastated. He didn't want to be disappointing his daddy like this, he just wanted to be a good kid. As he felt the first spank, his mind began to spiral, now Severus was currently wearing a ring, it was a Christmas gift Harry had gotten him the year prior, they both had matching ones, however. Ashe felt the smack, the cold metal pressed against his sensitive skin, and it reminded him of Vernon, of the way Vernon would spank him with his wedding ring on, constantly. Harry immediately began to hyperventilate, and scream. He was very overwhelmed, and so scared , to the point he was in a PTSD like attack, he no longer saw his soft faced daddy, he saw his cold, unloving uncle , smacking him as hard as he possibly could. He screamed out as he pushed away from Severus and scrambled into a corner, his whole body was shaking.
Severus eyes widened as he saw him act this way,now, yes. He'd had episodes like this before , but it was never from the fault of his own hand. Had he spanked him that hard? He was so worried, and so so anxious for him, for his baby. He got up and slowly walked towards his baby, his heart shattered as he saw him cower, he was so afraid.

It was so loud now Draco had woken up, walking in and his eyes widening seeing Harry, bottom half naked, his daddy's pyjama shirt on and sat in a puddle of urine. He was instantly pulled out of his regressed state and ran over to him, his heart breaking into tiny pieces as he sat down beside him; not caring that he was getting soaked too. "Hey hey...Harry what's wrong? Why are you so upset buddy?.." he wrapped an arm around him and held it firmly to help ground him.
"Draco please!...d-dont let him hurt me please!!" He sobbed hysterically, his whole body was almost convulsing , it was clear he was no longer regressed, but he was scared, god he was terrified.
Draco looked up at Severus, gave him a look, and then pulled Harry into his lap, he was an amazing big brother. "Shh shh...Harry it's okay...I'm here he won't hurt you..."
"I-I'm scared dray...please don't let him hurt me please...." He hiccuped, his whole body was shaking as he clung to Draco as tight as he could.

The blondes heart broke into pieces at how upset his little brother was, while holding him he rummaged through a drawer, sliding his noise cancelling headphones on his ears. "There you go buddy.." he frowned, then turned to Severus. "What did you do to him..."
Severus frowned and crouched down beside him, his heart breaking for the small boy. "He got into the cookies without asking, I was giving him a spanking and ... he freaked out...he's had spankings before though, it's rare but it had happened.."

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