Chapter 16- Blaise Zambini

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Draco smiled as blaise walked in, walking over and hugging him with a very visibly blush on his face. "Hey, how was the rest of your classes?"
Blaise chuckled as he hugged the blonde back, blushing visibly himself, sitting down on the couch as he glanced around. "Yea they were fine, pretty boring without you as my lab partner though. And Where's professor snape? Or do I call him your dad?"
The blonde smiled a bit as he sat back on the sofa with his friend, slightly curling into his arms, now they were affectionate 'friends '. "He's in his room with Harry, little one needs a lot of sleep, and I think dad is quite tired from everything thats happened in that last few days, he definitely needs a break. I think I'm gonna cook him breakfast in the morning though, just gives him something less to with everything else. He isn't sending me to school this week though, I don't think I can bare to see lupins face, it's so humiliating.."
Blaise shrugged a bit, wrapping an arm around him as he used his free hand to stroke his hair gently. "I'm so angry that he did that though. I told him at the start of the year you can't be shouted at, we made that mistake with professor snape first year, you remember?"
Draco nodded softly and curled into his arm, tracing his palm lines. "Yea- I remember, I got shouted at so bad because I spilt gilyweed on the desk, and I remember you letting me sleep in your bed because I kept crying." Now the memory of Severus wasn't exactly fond, but the memory of him and Blaise was, they had always been pretty close . "Sorry about not telling you about my accidents sooner, it's just a bit embarrassing for me..all of it's's embarrassing and it's new to me, I'm still adjusting to a lot.."

Blaise shook his head and planted a gentle kiss on Dracos forehead. "Draco, you don't have to be embarrassed about it, cmon. You helped me change my wet sheets in my first year, you didn't tell anyone on me. You didn't mind and you didn't get angry, I'm not gonna get angry at you either dray, just cuz you have accidents and stuff, it's not the end of the world, everyone goes through it eventually. And if it makes you feel any better," he now spoke in a barely audible
Whisper. "I heard professor snape used to wet the bed too-"
The blonde blushed as he leant into the kiss with a light smile as he looked up at Blaise. "Thank you..and yea I remember that, god I miss first year sometimes...and.." he whispered a little himself. "He did, don't tell anyone though-" He giggled a little bit with a smile, leaning just a little closer to the boys face as he looked at him.
Blaise smiled, nodding softly.
The two sat there for a while, talking, catching up, telling secrets, just about everything, fully opening up to each other, in a way they hadn't done before, by now it was pretty late, about 11pm. However slowly, and very gently Blaise cupped the blondes cheeks and lifted his head closer to his, a blush danced across his cheeks. "Can I?" He spoke , still whispering.
Dracos face was almost entirely red at this point, he let out a soft whimper and nodded as he stared into his brown eyes, his eyes shutting , absolutely melting as he kissed him, his heart racing, now he had had feelings for the male for at least 2-3 years now, but had been too afraid to show it, but now, sitting in his arms, kissing him, he was in bliss.
Blaise placed a gentle hand on his inner thigh as he deepened the kiss ever so slightly, now he had also had feelings for the Blonde for a long while, though after a while he had just suppressed them, but god he couldn't deny it anymore, he loved Draco Malfoy, and from the way he was kissing him, he could tell he loved him back.

Severus stepped into the kitchen with a sleepy Harry curled up in his arms, clearing his throat a little as he put the kettle on. "Dads here too Draco, I did tell you that- Jesus. Don't eat each other." He spoke, making himself a coffee.
Draco audibly yelped as he heard Severus, pulling off of Blaise , his lips aching for him once again. "D-Dad!- hi!-" he blushed deeply and smiled a bit.
Blaise blushed even more as he looked to Severus. "I am so so sorry-"
The taller male snickered a bit. "It's fine, just. Please, don't have sex on my nice sofa. I'd prefer it if you didn't have sex at all really. Now, do you either of you boys want a drink? Im going to bed with Harry, Draco come wake me up if you need anything okay? And wake me up before you go to bed so I can come check you and tuck you in okay?"
The young blonde blushed and whined a bud. "Dad we aren't gonna have sex!" He pouted. "A-And were alright...thank you though." He shyly got
Up and kissed the back of Harry's head. "Good night Harry , sleep good." He smiled a little and looked up at Severus as he kissed his own head, whining a bit. "Daaaaaaad-" he huffed , looking up at him.

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