Chapter 6- Not him..

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Now, it was around a week since Harry's shopping trip, they had spent the entire week inside snapes quarters, currently he was happily laid back on the sofa, drinking from his bottle and peeking up at his father. "Daddy? Hungwy." He whined a bit, pouting as he looked up at him, chewing on the nipple as he rested his chin on the sofa, a little confused as he watched Severus put on his best robes, he only saw him wear those when something important was happening.
Snape glanced over, grabbing his sons shoes as he hummed. "We're going to the great hall for dinner tonight sweetheart, your friends miss you too, I think they deserve to see you."
Harry audibly whimpered and looked up at him, shaking his head with a wobbly lip, he didn't want to go out, he was so afraid of what people might say to him, what people would think, he was so truly afraid, now ordinarily Harry wasn't a grumpy little, unless he was tired, but he really didn't want to see anyone right now, he finally felt settled with Severus now, finally somewhat comfortable with his new way of life, but this really felt all too soon, causing him to stomp his little foot with a huff. "Nu uh!!! Hary's nu goin."

Severus took a breath and sighed a bit, crouching down to the small boys eye level. "It's alright sweetie, daddy will be right there with you, and if anyone hurts my baby's feelings , I will make their life a living hell, I promise, you'll be just fine. However I am not condoning this behaviour do you understand? I know it's a change and I understand that, but that does not mean you shout and disobey me okay? If you do that again daddy will have to punish you, alright?" He frowned softly, kissing the small boys head and trying to lift him up ready to leave, sighing as he began to fuss and whine and shout. He sat back down on the sofa, laying the small boy over his lap as he looked down at him. "You are getting 3 spanks Harry, do you understand? You are misbehaving badly, I'll make it 5 if you continue to disobey me baby, alright?"
Harry whimpered as he slowly nodded, he knew the worst thing was to make his daddy angry so he just laid there, crying and whimpering out in pain at each spank, though he was thankful he did it through his nappy and not on his bare bum, those were the worst kind of spanks for him. Though from the sharp stings of pain he felt he hadn't realised he had completely wet through his nappy, looking up at Severus as his lip quivered ans tears threatened to spill. The taller ravenette gently kissed the small boys hair. "It's okay dove, I'm not angry, now cmon, let's get you all nice and cleaned up for dinner okay?" He kissed the babies tummy as he took him to the changing room, swiftly changing his nappy and humming as he did so.

After changing him and making sure they were both ready, he lifted him to sit upright on his hip, sitting Harry's dummy between his lips as he walked to the great hall, his shoes clacking on the slate floors behind him

Now after about 10 minutes of walking , Harry felt the ravenette open the doors to the great hall, he started to whimper and hide into his daddy's large robes, letting out a very quiet cry, he felt so vulnerable, causing him to wet himself from the fear of it all, too embarrassed to tell his daddy in front of all these people.
Severus gave a soft nod to Minerva as he sat down, attempting to sit Harry in the high chair, sighing as he cried and kicked in protest. "Harry , love, you have to sit in your chair high chair to eat."
The small boy hiccuped and sobbed out, shaking his head as he looked up as Severus, pleading him to not let go, he felt at least a little safer clinging onto his daddy, he didn't want to loose that final little bit of security he had left.
Snape took a deep breath, now ordinarily he would've spanked the small boy got disobeying him, but he knew how difficult it must be for him, he knew it was a big change going from just the two of them to a hall filled with hundreds of people, so for now he allowed the boy to sit in his lap, smiling softly in an attempt to soothe him, trying to ignore the glances around him as he knew most people had truly never seen him smile like that. "It's okay dove, you can sit on daddy's lap, but only for today alright? But Next time you have to sit in your high chair though, deal?"
Harry nodded quickly, sniffling and wiping his teary eyes as he sat on severus' lap, just holding onto his fathers index finger tightly, his hands wrapped around it tightly. He sat there as he was fed, he really didn't eat a lot, the stress made him feel incredibly sick , so he pushed away his plate of mashed potatoes and beef, sniffling very quietly.

The older male sighed slightly. "Harry come on now, can you eat a little more? We don't have any snacks at home so this is all you'll be able to have other than bottles dove, can you eat a bit more for me?"
Harry shook his head and sniffled, pushing the food away as he buried his head back into Severus ' robes, sniffling and whimpering as he fidgeted around in his now wet and cold nappy, he was so embarrassed he just wanted to go back home with his caregiver, though as he feared , his stomach began to whine out, he really didn't want to have a messy accident around those who he had truly treasured just a few weeks ago, though he was only a toddler, he really couldn't hold it, so he slowly let go, trying to hold back his tears, he knew his father would change him right then and there, he didn't want anyone to know of what sat in his nappy, though the large bulge sitting out the back of his trousers made it very obvious, but he could already feel the rash that was growing and spreading rapidly between his most sensitive parts and his thighs.

Now he had been lost in thought about all of this for around 10 minutes, trying to keep his whiny fidgets to a minimum, though his head jolted a bit hearing someone he recognised.

Draco Malfoy stood there, a bag in hand, quietly grumbling under his breath as he looked to Severus. "This is for potter. I uhm. I was classified as a caregiver, pansy thought it would be good for uhm...experience and all, I can babysit if you need me too sir, obviously not now but if you need someone in here,or like..whatever..but no pressure I guess, I know he probably ain't my biggest fan but, yknow, the offers there."
Severus smiled slightly at the boy, nodding as he took a glance in the bag, chuckling seeing all the fuzzy blankets and teddy's and toys, he knew Harry would absolutely adore the contents of that bag. "What do we say Harry baby?"
The small boy looked up, his heart dropped to his stomach, his arch enemy stood in front of him, and Harry was curled up on his ex professors lap, wearing a bulky soggy nappy that hung from his waist, he was humiliated, just a few weeks ago he would've tackled the blonde to the ground, used the crucio curse, anything, abs the blonde would've ridiculed him that time ago, but he didn't, he was being nice, and that was what scared him the most. Though in a weak attempt to hide his dummy he covered his mouth with his sleeve, though it was obvious, especially from the little lisp it gave him as he spoke. "F-Fank oo.." he spoke shyly; though when Severus wasn't looking he scowled at the blonde, huffing as he walked away.

Severus smiled down at his son. "Cmon, let's go home okay baby?"

Hi guys!! Thank you so much for being so patient with these updates ! 2.3k views!!!! Thank you so so much!! Means the world! If anyone has any ideas for the story please leave a comment! <333

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