𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒

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"God, Eddie just talk to him!"

"How am I suppose to talk to him!"
Robin was done of hearing Eddie go on and on about Steve. She wanted him to make a move or something at least. He's scared, she understands, asking someone who is the same sex as you in Hawkins? You better hope theay are the one. But this is Steve!
Eddie had been crushing over Steve for God knows how long but hasn't made a move. When Steve is around he is always nervous out of his fucking mind. He never is like this, like ever. Even when Steve just smiles at him, he feels like he might die. Steve is going to be the death of him.

"Just ask Steve to hang out or something"

"You think " the hair" Harrington would want to hang out with "the freak?"
Eddie hates that nickname. The only reason he got called "the freak" is because he was kissing a guy and Jason fucking caught them and told the whole school. He has always been insecure about it, thankfully people think they call him a freak for being "different". So he doesn't think "the king of Hawkins high" will want to be with " a freak."

"He isn't like that anymore. Trust me he will surprise you. "

"I know he has changed Robin, that doesn't mean he can't still be a asshole to me. " Robin, laying on eddies bed her feet on the wall, swans her neck to look at Eddie. He was frowning and it broke her heart. She knows he has trust issues because of his past and it's sad. It breaks her heart to think about all the assholes that hurt Eddie.

"Eddie trust me on this just ask him to hangout and see for yourself." She sees him look around the room and sigh.

"Fine I will but you better help me clean this mess. " he laughs. It warms robins heart.


Robin and Steve have a shift together and they are so happy for it. Steve needs to talk to Robin really bad.

" Robin I need your help " Steve was honestly freaking out it wasn't even funny. He was having a bi-crisis for the 5th time this week, it's only Tuesday.

"With what?"

"You know Eddie really well right?"

"Uh yes what about him" Robin was putting tapes away on the shelf while Steve was at the counter.

"Do you know if he is uh, ifheisgay? " Steve said it so fast Robin almost didn't catch it but she definitely did. Thankfully there we're no customers all day so they were safe. She knew Steve had a crush on a guy but she didn't know it was Eddie. She went over to steve and sat on the counter. She questioned telling Steve but Eddie was more opened about it if you say. So he would know sooner or later.

"Yea he is, why do you ask stevie?" She teased. He shoved her then they heard the bell rings that basically yelled " stfu there is a customer get to work." Robin jumped of the counter in a second.

"Welcome to family video-" Steve stopped when  he saw who it was. Speak of the devil. Eddie Munson in a God damn iron Maiden crop top and black ripped jeans that are so tight you can see everything. God Steve never wanted him more. He felt the heat go up in his face and looked away.

"EDDIE!" Robin yelled and jumped over the counter to hug him. Steve smiled and waved.

"Hi Robin" Eddie says a little out of breath after Robin basically pounced on him. He hugs her tight and goes over the the counter.

"Hey there big boy." Steve doesn't get to say hello before Eddie is jumping over the counter and getting in his personal space. He is so close, Steve can feel his hot breath on the back of his neck. He is basically pinned to the counter that how close he is.

"Eddie your not suppose to be back here." Steve says and turns around to face him.  Eddie has his usual mysterious smile. He is so close to Steve's face. It's taking all his strength to not grab Eddie face and kiss him. He can see Eddie's eye flick from his eyes to his lips, maybe he is thinking the same thing. He looks at Eddies lips, they look soft. They probably feel like pillows and Steve's wants them.

"Had to get your attention somehow." Eddie moves away from Steve and starts talking to Robin about something. Steve is to distracted to care at all. He is completely zoned out looking at Eddie's body. The trail of black hair that leads into Eddie's jeans. The V shape around it. The scars that are littered over Eddie's stomach and back. The way his hair lays perfectly over his shoulders. The shine of his hair in the sun, his hair is perfect. His doe brown eyes that tell a story just by looking at him. The way his nose is curved and smooth. His lips that must feel like a pillow and Steve is what is missing from it.

"Earth to Steve?" Robin says as she waves her hands in his face.

"Y-yeah what's up?" Why the hell am I tuttering? I'm dying aren't I. Steve thinks.

"Eddie asked you something Dingus."

"ROBIN!"Eddie yells and he is.. red? It looks adorable on him.
Robin glares at him and he sighs. What is going on.
" so uh, would you like to go to a gig I have. Robin said she would go if you wanna go with someone. You don't have to come I don't want you to feel bad for saying no-."

"I'll go" Steve says Inturpting his rambling.

"Oh ok great I'll call you to give you the details." Eddie smiles and Robin leads him out with a "I told you so"


Steve laying on his bed, while Robin was getting ready. Turns out that gig was the next day at 9 in the afternoon. The sun is already going down, and Steve was waiting for Robin to help him.

"Steve why the hell are all your clothes so preppy"
She says as she goes through his closet to find him something for him to wear without him looking weird. She finally finds a plain black shirt that is most likely to small for him.

"Robin, cant I just wear my normal clothes? "

"Because you look like a teacher or a damn priest."

Robin looks through his pants drawer and surprisingly finds black jeans. They must have been deep in there because he does not remember having those.

"Go try these on" Robin says as she throws them to him. Steve walks to the bathroom and comes out with a groan. The pants are tight on him and the shirt was pressed against his chest you can basically count his muscles through the shirt. Eddie is going to like this.

"Robin I think-"Steve froze as he saw what Robin was holding. It was Eddie vest.

" now you have to wear this"

"Fine but we need to go we are gonna be late!"

The Hideout is packed. The only way they could get a close enough seats is if they ran to it before anyone else did. Robin went to get some beer and Steve was sitting at the table when someone came up to him, it was Eddie. He was wearing a corridor coffin shirt and the same black jeans except he had fishnets under them. Steve must have been staring because Eddie was asking him if he was ok.
Steve finally noticed, Eddie had his hair in a pony tail. If he wasn't hot before he is now.

"Nice vest you have there Steve looks good on you" Eddie says as he messes with the hem of it.
He was so close.

"You ok stevie?"

"Yeah I'm ok" 𝘐𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶. Without thinking Steve messes with Eddie's ponytail. He stops when his mind finally registered what he did.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's fine big boy" Eddie says as he tilts Steve chin up with his hand. Steve wanted to kiss him. He needed to kiss him.  He was so close to when Robin came back with the beer.

"Hi Eddie! You look amazing!" Robin says as she puts down the beers and hugs him. They whisper something between each other that Steve can't quit hear.

"I gotta go hope you like the show" Eddie says as he walks backstage. Steve watched as he went backstage, his jeans so tight his ass amazing.

"Steve what are you looking at?" Robin teased, Steve was about to say nothing but then he heard guitar strums. He looks and sees Eddie... Shirtless. Steve chokes on his beer.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. This is corridor coffin!"

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