Chapter Two

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Gerard gets up and starts walking towards me. My heart flutters. I think he just said my name. I didn't know he knew my name. He sits down next to me. I can only stare. "Did you hear what I just said?" He asks. "N-No," I stammer. "Sorry." "That's okay," he says with a smile that could melt ice. "I said I should give you my number so you can text me about the project." I nearly gasp, and hand him my phone.

○●•° time skip °•●○

After school, I get a text. It's Gerard. I can't believe it! He wants to come over to my house?! I reply with a 'super, haha,' but I'm dying of happiness inside. I can't believe it!! 30 minutes later, Gerard arrives and we go to my room to start our project. He smells like freshly ground black coffee and Marlboro Red cigarette smoke. After we work on the project for a while, Gerard turns to me. "(y/n), I need to tell you something," he says. "(y/n)... I." My heart stops. "I really like you." He says.
I nearly die of happinessand shock. "I-i-i-" I stammer. God, this is so embarrassing. "If you don't feel the same, It's ok." Gerard says. Uh oh. I've gotta say something. "No!" I blurt. Oh. My. God. I want to sink into the floor. "I really like you too Gerard," I finally say.
He leans in... I can't believe this... his soft lips press against my cheek, just for a few seconds. Not long, but long enough to be meaningful.

299 words
Woo, progress.
Why, in all of these fics do they talk about how he smells?? Like, i get if someone smells good, they're more appealing or whatever, but why so much detail?

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